This past Saturday, I attended the annual Lake Mirror Classic here in Lakeland, Florida. I didn’t capture much that I really liked that day, but I did come away with this image of a De Lorean’s logo on it’s brushed stainless steel hood. I loved the clean lines and simple look. After taking that photo, I knew that if I didn’t capture anything else that day, I at least had one image that I was pleased with.
The De Lorean DMC-12 was a car that was only produced for three years from 1981 to 1983 by the short lived
De Lorean Motor Company. It’s forever typecasted as a “Time Machine” though, for the famous role it played in the “
Back to the Future” movie trilogy.
As I was thinking about what commentary I would write for this post, my thoughts were geared towards the subject of time travel. At first it seems like a cool idea, if it were ever possible. But, as I thought about it just a little more, I realized that time travel would devalue time itself. The sacredness and rarity of our moments would lessen. How special would a particular moment be if it could be relived easily. As I thought more about time travel, the more I realized that the moments you may find yourself wanting to relive are special...because they can’t be relived. You may be able to recreate a moment in time, but it will never be exactly the same as the moment that preceded it.
I guess in a way, our photographs act as a sort of "Time Machine", don't they? They safely transport us back to other times and places without disturbing history.
What are your thoughts on “Time Travel”?