Saturday night, a “post Valentines” Banquet was held at my church and I was asked to do the photography for the event. Above is an image I captured before the “mood lighting” was set for the evening.
As you know from my previous post, I celebrated my 28th Birthday this past week (Thanks to all my fellow Bloggers for the Birthday wishes, it was much appreciated!). I was so blessed in the fact that I had four different celebrations in favor of my Birthday! Wednesday night at my College and Career Group, Thursday at work, Thursday night with some other good friends and finally, Sunday afternoon with some Family.
I felt very honored and humbled that I’m surrounded by so many great people who care about me. I know God loves me and I felt that He was showing His love for me through all my friends this past week.
One of my favorite songs is by an artist named Paul Colman, it’s called “The One Thing”. It talks about the unconditional love of Christ. “The one thing I don’t question is you, you really love me like you say you do….so hold me….cause I need you”
This past week, I believe God was holding me through my friends.
What a beautiful thank you "card". I'm so grateful for friends and the church body.
I love when I can stretch out my birthday for as long as possible.
Seems, I missed your Birthday, so here;s wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. I really like the lovely lamp shade with the heart and appreciate your choice of the song "the one thing".Do peep into my love blog sometime and lemme know what you feel about it.Cheers!!Emmie
belated happy birthday! so many birthdays of late. great pic. simple but effective. the curtains make it
Beautiful photo...i love pink!
Glad to know you had a great birthday!
cette lanterne de la saint valentin est tres belle et tres originale.
this lantern of the Valentine saint is very beautiful and very original.
Beautiful shot.I like the composition.Well done!
I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! Thank you so much for being there and helping out!
I had a great time!
Beautiful composition, nice color tone. Congratulations.
u are a lucky person to be with so many frds.....am glad u enjoyed ur time...and that's a cuuuuuuuuute pic!!! :)
Indeed He was holding you Chad...isn't His love amazing?
:) I am glad that you had a wonderful birthday!
I love this pic....all the lines and then the lantern with the heart....very nice and warm.
I came to your blog by way of Anna. I really like your photography and your posts.
Happy Birthday Chad. My birthday is also in February. (14th) I've been slacking on the bloging thing lately.
Hey Dude,
Cool pic - and Happy birthday. I just turned 29 on the 17th - what day was your b-day?
Just be happy you're not 29!
Happy Birthday, bro. Mine was the 22nd. Don't worry, man, 30 is staring me down too!
Lovely sentiment in this post, Chad. May you always be surrounded by so much love and support. Sounds like it's all very much deserved.
Sounds like a great banquet. And a great week! And a great birthday.
And it's a great photo! :-)
Thanks, Lucy, for the great commentary.
Im so glad you had a good birthday chad. Sorry i couldnt be there wednesday night. I have a feeling thats going to change... mind leaving some feedback on my blog, some new work you know..im not to confident about it
This is really a wonderful shot. I love the horizontal and vertical lines. I think it would make and awesome card.. :) :) Isnt if great to have such fun on your Birthday :)
Happy belated birthday Chad. Sounds like you had a wonderful day.
What a wonderful thing when God speaks to us thorugh others.
Wow! 4 Celebrations! that's cool! with family and freinds, what better than that?;) I hope that feith you have remains and it opens new and wonderful horizons...the song you mentioned i on't know it, i'll have to search for it.
PD:Did you see th eclipse last night?
See ya. kisses.
I didn't know there was an eclipse last night! That's cool if you got to see it.
wow, such a simple but beautiful pic that conveys an important message. =)
Sup Chad,
Time for a new post...
I know, I've really been slacking on the Blogging thing lately.
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