As I came home from a friend’s wedding on Saturday night, I passed by a part of Lake Parker that I don’t normally pass at night. From this particular vantage point, the power plant that sits on the other side can be plainly seen from the road without obstruction. The one thing that stuck out to me that night as I drove by, was the stream of colors reflected on the surface of the lake from the power plant. I kept on glancing over to take in this unexpected beauty. I couldn’t believe how cool it looked. This otherwise unassuming structure created something beautiful to behold.
The problem though, was that I did not have my camera that night. The most I could do was just envision myself stopping to capture the light show.
That was until Tuesday night. Through some circumstances, I found myself on that side of town again, this time doing a photo shoot favor for one of my friends. I was going to be photographing some people indoors, so I had brought my tri-pod along. As I went to the shoot, the thought of the beautiful, power plant light show that I had viewed a few nights before had totally slipped my mind.
On my way home, I once again was drawn to the spectacle of lights on Lake Parker. This time though, I conveniently had my camera and tri-pod with me. As I began to pass the spot, I quickly decided to stop and capture this scene. There were no cars behind me, so I abruptly came to a stop on the side of the road. I was just past a boat dock area where I could safely park and photograph. So, once some cars passed by, I put my black Mustang in reverse and drove safely backwards to the parking lot which was just about 50 feet back.
Before too long, I had captured the image you see above. A shot or two later, the currents changed a little and the long stream of color was cut in half.
I had captured this just in time.
that's a really cool image...love the refection. It makes Lake Parker actually look pretty.
BTW...a refection is similar to a "reflection"
Cool reflection shot!
Nice shot. Makes you just want to linger...
You achieved a lovely result.
Great picture
Like Christmas lights, are you sure you were not in Lapland visiting Santa? ha!
Wonderful shot!
I also meant to thank you for the info on the selective coloring.... I haven't tried it out yet but I do appreciate you taking the time to provide the info.
Photography is so often about timing, Chad, and you've proven that once again here. I so relate to the process you followed to get this image: so often, I come across a scene and, lacking a camera at the time, I bury the thought in my brain and toss it around until such time that I can return with the right equipment.
Often, that lag allows me to conceptualize the scene better than I would have had I simply snapped the image as soon as I first came upon it.
Sometimes, delays like this can work to the persistent photographer's advantage. You've just proven it. Fantastic shot!
Nice play on the lights.
Perfect "City Capture"!
Great reflection, I'm certain the scene is much more mundane in the daylight.
I found Carmi's comment interesting, this certainly works for me with scenery shots as many times I have noticed a secne and have planned a revisit to capture it in better lighting.
it is pretty! i thought it was Christmas lights at first.
That is crazy cool Chad. Who knew a power plant could be so pretty?
I can relate to the getting out on the road and shooting thing. I nearly got hit by a school bus a week or two ago--I was too busy looking through the lens! (and then there was that time I was nearly trampled by an elephant but that's a whole other story....)
great landscape capture chief. i love images that 'demand' you keep looking at their content.
I love this awesome shot;
my breath was taken away!
this is really cool, Chad!!!
What a beautiful moment ... its so great that you were able to capture it!
Hey! This is pretty. Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
I posted a photo of deer today, at least my version. The only one's I could get. And, some snow on my personal blog.
Great photo. I love the reflections... so amazing! I love that you were just driving by and found this... those are the best shot!
Cool, Chad!
Fantastic shot!
Chad, I love it. Very nice. I would have done the same. I have been known to many times to take pics while driving ... lol... I have also stopped on the side of the road to capture shots - usually sunsets. But many times I find myself driving and taking pics of the sunset. That takes considerable talent, but I have gotten a few sweet shots :) A couple that even made it on one of our local TV stations as the weather team will show one shot a night that someone had taken recently in the area - they show the best ones they have received. I even edited a sunrise shot I had taken while driving into work one day - had my mirror in the shot and I completely edited it out. You can't even tell it was there!! A friend of mine was floored by it :)
Thanks for the note on my blog. My blog gets pulled through to Facebook as well ...so in case you were wondering, I receive comments there as well :) You aren't the only one... lol...
And yeah, I've changed quite a lot since high school. I should post pics some time. I just don't have those pics in digital format, so I'd have to take a pic of a pic and that doesn't always turn out the best... But I was told that I was cute as a kid and my hairstyle was fairly cute too... just not always accepted at school... Kids can be so cruel.
Anyway, love the pic you just posted. Looks like you may have had the SLR handy :D
The reflection is beautiful!
Reflections are so beautiful. This reminds me of a dinner cruise my husband and I took on our honeymoon and the reflections in the water from all of the lovely homes along the shore.
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, Chad. May your holidays be safe and bright!
Time for new image :)
Happy Thanksgiving, Chad!
b e y o n d ------- b e a u t i f u l
a very beautiful night image.
Such serenity conveyed in that image. Simply beautiful.
Hey everyone! I'm glad you all have enjoyed this image. Sorry I haven't posted for a while, I just haven't photographed much lately and don't want to post something unless I really like it. So far, this is my favorite image that I've taken this year.
I'll post something new eventually ;)
You could start your Christmas series now that Thanksgiving is past :)
wow chad...you need a new post!
Of course it is wonderful but.. um... well... er... do you need all of that black stuff on top? What if you cropped it a lot more snugly about the head and shoulders of those buildings and just a tad off of the bottom to create a glowing strip?
Ah... wuddoIknow anyonway. It's a cool capture.
Where have you been?
Very cool, Chad. Good eye, man.
Missing you Chad...Breaks are good for the soul but I'd love to see a new post. Take care.
"Wish you a merry Christmas,
I wish you a merry Christmas,
I wish you a merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!!!"
I see you are taking a break too! How are you? I hope well. Have a wonderful Christmas Chad!
Thanks everyone for the comments. I appreciate you all who have been faithful visitors to my photo blog.
I think I'm done posting for a while.
This photo blog has become what I always intended it to be, and that is an on-line portfolio of my photography. It's also a great place that I have recorded a lot of my thoughts in writing.
If this is your first time visiting "the photog blog", please take some time to explore my site and enjoy!
Chad Myers
Is there a chance, just a chance that the waters lay still for the lights to reflect so, knowing of the joys they would bring to a viewer?
It almost seems that way.
More! More More!...... Want another injection.
Will miss your stuff... take care!
Merry Christmas!
I'd like to take this chance to wish you a very merry Christmas. Have a great festive time and keep safe.
Tom, Jane, and our friend Big Peter
I think that everyone needs a break once in awhile, even for blogging. But I hope you will reconsider in the New Year. So many of us enjoy what you write and your stunning photography.
In the meantime, may you have a joyous and blessed Christmas season. I hope that you find all that you wish for beneath your tree this year!
It's amazing how still water can amplify an already beautiful scene! Nice photo!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.
Also thanks for visiting my blog and your comments since ive been blogging.
Great shot Chad. You might take them a print, you never know it may be their next calendar or brochure!
What??? No CHRISTMAS POST!!!!!!!!!!
I know you are not THAT busy!
Merry Christmas Chad
Lovely reflections and colors!! Just wanted to say thanks for your comments on my blog and wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.. Aloha, Renee :)
I love night shots, and this is a nice one. Hope you had a great Christmas!
Hiya Chad,
I come here and too often just lurk… and learn. I've written Santa to ask that he have you post more frequently in the new year. Meantime, have a Merry & Happy! And thanks for your effort, this site is a rewarding experience.
Chad, just wanted to say a very Merry Christmas and the most happy New Year.
I will miss your wonderful pictures and thoughtful writings.
I do hope you will come back but I do understand the need to move on.
wow, nice photos. Now I feel ashame of my photo blog...I am so lousy. lol! Can we exchange link ?
my other site is at
thats the best picture iv seen so far its beautiful and it a very calm pic... great shot
Wishing you and all your family a very happy new year.
Beautiful night capture, very different water reflection. Well done, Anna :)
That's an awesome photo! My father-in-law lives in Lakeland FL!!
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