I know I’ve been writing a lot about my girlfriend Sandy in my commentary here on my photo blog, but it’s because she deserves to be written about. I write about what I'm passionate about and what inspires me. So, here’s another love-fest for ya…
This past week, I got hit hard by a bad head cold. It started with a painful sore throat that began late on Monday night and only got worse on Tuesday. By Wednesday afternoon, the cold began to progress and before I knew it, it body-slammed me and I had to take off work on Thursday. I went into work on Friday morning only to finish up a project by dead-line, then went back home to continue to recuperate.
During this ordeal, Sandy did a great job checking in with me to see how I was doing. She would call on her breaks at work and express her concern for me. As the weekend approached, I knew the chances of being able to spend time with Sandy were looking dim since I was still getting over my cold. She lives in a neighboring town and I just didn’t think I would be up to traveling yet.
On Thursday night though, Sandy let me know that she was planning on making a special chicken noodle soup recipe that she had tasted once and wanted to bring it over to me on Saturday! She had talked about how delicious this recipe was on numerous occasions and I had been looking forward to trying it one day too.
So, on Saturday afternoon, Sandy showed up with a container of the soup she had slaved over the night before. The soup was as great as she had always said it would be and the rest of the day was as beautiful as I could had hoped it would be. She even went to the store with me and helped me pick out some more medicine…after asking the pharmacist for advice…which is something I wouldn’t had done on my own.
I’m feeling a lot better now and am ready to face the new week.
I just had to share this story with you and say what a wonderful woman I have.
That looks almost as good as mine! Hehehe. So when are you marrying her? ;)
Soup looks good!! and the presentation even better. Hope you're feeling back to your old self. (Nice girlfriend to make you soup like that!!)
Yo Chad, that's what love is all about :)
In good times or bad times really at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how rich, how beautiul/handsome we want our significant half to be. What is important is times like this we have our special someone taking care of us and I'm sure you'll always be there for Sandy when she is feeling unwell too.
Treasure her and time to propose Chad :)
Glad you are so happy. Nothing has the healing power of homemade chicken soup. Um, except for the soup I once made ... didn't notice (until it was too late) that the chicken's head & feet were still attached. Oh, and a lot of the feathers, too.
Blather From Brooklyn
Awe that was sweet. She is a great gal Chad!
Hi Chad
Sorry to hear you have had this bug... it sounds the same as one that is doing the rounds here rightnow.. Mine strated the same way.. a sore throat that felt like it was on fire, cold/flu like symtems but the worse was the chest and chough.. it floored me for a good week but as taken a month to feel well again.
Nice to see your love for Sandy is still as stronge if not stronger than last time I called here... When I met my Jane we both 'knew' within two weeks we were right for each other... thatwas 22 years ago... Love the watch by the way...
All the best
Hey Chad,
I am thrilled that Sandy took care of you and brought you home-made chicken noodle soup; beautiful and can cook, she is a ‘keeper’ for sure!
I love the commentary and very happy you are feeling better today.
The photo of the soup looks delicious!
Glad you took time to photograph the soup. You can sure tell it isn't store bought; look at those big chunks of REAL CHICKEN!
Wow, thats sweet. I'm so happy for you.
Chad: What a great treat to get a bowl of soup to fight the cold. Sandy sounds like a real winner.
glad to know you are feeling better, Chad....and as I always say, love makes the world go round :)
The love of a good woman and homemade chicken soup...what more could you ask for? Sounds like the perfect combination.
She's a keeper that's for sure.
I'm very happy for you! I'm a vegetarian--my boyfriend isn't. It's been so amazing to see him convert his recipes to meatless and make meals we both can enjoy-his often with meat, mine without. There is just something so lovely, so giving of themselves, when someone cooks for you!
You best take good care of her and don't let her go. I am so happy for you my friend.
Shalom Chad, I got here via Salty.
Lucky you to get the soup made specially for you. Here in Israel hot chicken soup is known as the Jewish penicillin, the cure-all.
It has even been written up in a leading medical journal. But I think the most potent ingredient is the love that goes into it.
Be well!
Looks like a recipe or food magazine shot!
Chad, you definitely found a keeper in Sandy!
This post just drips with the good stuff between you and Sandy! How great!!! (Nice photo, too, as always!)
Hiya Chad, the bowl of soup is getting cold as your know your love is getting hotter :D
Just to check if everything is fine & well with you now. Take care and hugs to Sandy ;)
Mmm, that soup looks tasty!
the soup looks tasty! u are so luck. when u getting marry, I can be your photographar.
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