Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hats Off

On Saturday night, I had the pleasure of helping Sandy’s Dad, Julian, who’s also a photographer, do a shoot with some of his other kids and their significant others.

Pictured above, is Sandy’s brother, Jesse, and his girlfriend, Chrissy. We had these cool hats that were being used as props. At one point, Jesse had thrown his hat back to his Dad. When I saw this, I got the idea to have them throw the hats at me. This ended up being my favorite image of the night.


~Brenda said...

This photo is so precious; I can tell they are having fun! I like how the hats are suspended in air! Throwing hats like this reminds me of a Fred Astaire movie!

Ashley said...

Good idea and great shot! So cute! I am sure you had a blast doing the shoot :)

Coy Hill said...

Creative work Chad, COOL!

Lori said...

This is great! I love how it turned out and it must have been so much fun spending time with this lovely couple.

I think I need to hang out in your neck of the woods!

Anonymous said...

Wow Chad, you not only have a special lady, you have a special lady who has a photographer father. Now hows that for good stuff :)

I love this photo too.

D.O.M. Dan said...

Congrats on winning Carmi's "Caption This".

Laurie said...

I really like it. It is very theatrical.

Jose said...

My hat off to you. You have an eye for interesting images. I too like this one.

Shionge said...

Hey what fun and so cool :) I wish one day I'll have the opportunity to have you photograph me heheheh...

Jose said...

LOL - Chad you've been on my side bar with that button I think for the past year now. Happy to know you liked it.

Ash said...

Wonderful fun photo...and you've captured the spirit perfectly

PA Brian in PP,FLA said...


Anna said...

How fun that her dad is a photographer too! And I like the hat idea!

photowannabe said...

Creative idea for the photo shoot Chad. No wonder you are so smitten with Sandy...she has photography in her genes....LOL

Bill said...

Too much fun :)

Michele @ crazyfordesign said...

Very fun picture!

Gabriella said...

hats off to you! looks like they are having a blast!

Blue Wave 707 said...

Great shot & timing!

Daniel J Santos said...

this a great picture, well done.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

so cool!!!

JAM said...

That's a really nifty and fun photo. You're not just getting a wife, you're getting a whole family.

I didn't have the stereotypical in-laws. They are great people.