Sunday, February 11, 2007

Dangerous Task

While at Navy Pier, I looked up and saw this guy performing a dangerous task on a docked sail boat.


Jill said...

Yeah... it makes me nervous.

Lucy said...

Wow, what a brave guy!
...Or should I say crazy?

Ash said...

Dangerous indeed!

photowannabe said...

I would love to see the Parade of the Tall Ships. Great shot and composition. Hights and me don't do too well. I'll let him just continue what he is doing.

Memories Catcher said...

Great shot.I lik ethe composition and prespective.Good colors and light.

Dangerous indeed!

Anna said...

Chad, this is wonderful....I love the feeling of height here. I love the white masts and that brillant blue sky.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! You wouldn't catch me up there. Scary shot :)

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

wow!!! the guys got some guts!!!
navy pier is awesome a place to be, love it in summers :)

photowannabe said...

I meant to say heights. Sometimes my fingers have a mind of their own.
Have a great week Chad.

Coy Hill said...

Perfect Capture! I love the vibrant colors and the composition.

You know me, you would NEVER catch me up there!

Nabeel said...

Navy Pier Chicago? I don't remember seeing such a high pole .. well .. many things go unnoticed I guess :)

Chad Oneil Myers said...

It was a docked sail boat.

Unknown said...

Good morning, Chad. Yikes, that is pretty high and I don't think I could stay up there long. Good for him. This makes me think I should take a pic of something very similar in Seguin. Will post it tomorrow.

I also really enjoyed your black and white photos.

angeldreams said...

Oh... Jesus!!... What a dangerous moment captured!!
Wonderful shot!