Today, I turn 30. It’s a very content 30 though. It’s a whole new beginning on different levels. I compare it to when I moved to Lakeland, Florida from Pennsylvania in the summer of 1998. I was 19, had just graduated high school, moved to a new state and was getting ready to begin my 20’s. It was the start of a whole new era of my life. My 20’s were great and some of the best years of my life thus far with my 29th year being the best of those.
Now, I’m 30. I just got married to an amazing woman, moved to a new town (Kissimmee, Florida) and am now a part of a new church. I now have different priorities and goals in my life. All these things are blessings and with new blessings, come new responsibilities.
One of Sandy and my biggest goals this year, is to purchase our first home. It’s an exciting time and I’m glad to be where I am right now in life. I’m content.
I captured the image of this painting while on my honeymoon in Tampa. It was hanging in the entrance to a Nordstrom at the Mall. The first time I saw it, all I had on me was my camera phone, so I captured an image for it’s wallpaper. The next time we visited the Mall that week, I had my real camera, that’s when I captured what you see above.
My passion for photography really grew in my 20’s, I want to take it even further in my 30’s.
Well amigo, as the saying goes: The sky is the limit. I am so happy you are doing great in your new life and I wish you a very happy birthday. Receive a big hug from your friend from Avondale, Arizona.
Happy Birthday!! What a great testimony on your life. I wish you the best out there finding your first home. Life just begins at 30 to be honest. No more of the immature craziness which makes for less stress...lol Hope you had a great birthday weekend!
happy birthday! i'm wishing the best for you in your 30's. :)
Happy Happy Birthday, Chad! You are going to have an amazing decade, I just know it. Your love story is such an inspiration and I'm always so glad to find a new post here.
Happy Birthday!
Pretty neat artwork ... a little mezmerizing ... it would make a great wallpaper on a monitor too.
Happy 30th!
When I saw the photo I said, "Wow"
I didn't know store's had photo's like that. I enjoy how you tell about your life and share the adventure with us. Very exciting times for you and Sandy!
Happy, Happy Birthday Chad. The best is truly yet to come.
I love your calling your life Content. That's a blessing in its self.
Hugs to you and your lovey wife.
Happy Birthday to you!!! :) :)
Wishing you only the best.. Aloha, Renee :)
Well happy birthday a little late. Mine is this coming Saturday.
The patters are cool.
The 30's rock, man! You feel older BUT wiser...so it's all good. Hope you start posting more.
Happy Belated Birthday to you and what a great shot there.
We were in Tampa back in Year 2005 and wish I knew you then :)
Yes, new beginning new responsiblity and hope you'll get your new home with Sandy soon :D
Cool shot, Chad. Glad to hear things are gong well.
Chad: Glad to see you're doind well. Take Care.
I haven't been around in a while, but I'm sorry to be a day late, but happy birthday!
This is a cool shot, reminds me of one of my favorite childhood toys, the Spirograph.
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