I took this image Saturday night in Celebration, Florida. Celebration is a living community in Osceola county that was developed by The Walt Disney Company in the mid 90’s. This small town is complete with a hospital, school, churches and of course restaurants and shops.
With it’s beautiful homes and well manicured lawns, Celebration was created to be like a perfect town that only exists in fantasy and film. If you ask me, they succeeded.
That's a cool shot! We don't see too many marquees like that.
I've heard Celebration, FL is a nice place. I know a couple that lives there.
I have lived in FL my whole life and have never been there...heard of it though. I might just have to make a visit :) Great photo!
I love this artistic shot!
On Sunday evening, I watched a program on PBS that talked about changing the way America lives and going back to living in towns that one can walk almost everywhere they need to go in order to conserve energy.
Celebration, FL was one example of how well this works!
good to see some new posts, dude.
Great post Chad. Thanks
I saw a profile about Celebration Florida way back when it was just built. I found it very interesting. It is good to know that the community seems to be thriving.
Its a fun place to visit and wander in and out of the stores and restaurants. I loved visiting the model homes a few years ago. Favorite part was sitting on the porch and rocking in the big wooden rockers.
Celebration was almost too perfect. Felt a bit like it was out of the Stepford Wives.
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