This is another one of my favorite images from a shoot that I did with my friends David and Michele in 2002. Listing their names together like that reminds me of a thought I’ve been having recently of how married couples are usually referred to together. You know, like “Bob and Mary are such cool people” or “wouldn’t Joe and Kendra like that movie too?” It’s just something that I’ve thought about recently, how united a married couple really is that each person is forever referred to with the other. I guess it’s yet another way that the two really do become one.
The image above was taken with a 35mm Yashica camera from the early 1980’s. The camera belongs to my grandfather, but has served as a learning tool for me in the past before I went digital. Around the time of this shoot the old camera was beginning to show signs of needing repair. One of those signs was a black streak that would show up on random prints. I had it repaired and found that the steaks were coming from rubber seals inside the camera that were deteriorating from age and turning to goop.
One of the those annoying streaks originally showed up on this picture. I was able to remove it though in Photoshop and restore the image! Among other edits, I added color to Michele’s sweater.
The idea behind the shot was to show two different moods. David is blurred in the background with a crazy expression on his face, while Michele is in deep thought in the foreground with her cup of coffee.
"I guess it’s yet another way that the two really do become one."
That is absolutely true Chad.
I remember when Mark and I got married, in the beginning it was so weird calling him my "husband". It was always "Mark". Married life is wonderful and a blessing everyday from God.
Michele looks so pretty in this picture....like a model!!! Seriously! David is being David back there...funny-goofy. LOL
I can tell that you and Mark have a good marriage. I was blessed when I saw Mark holding your hand during worship this past Sunday when Roy was leading. You weren't feeling well and Mark was there for you.
I'm always inspired when I see married couples who still love each other very much after many years like Charles and Betty at church. I want to have a marriage like that some day that when I'm 70, I'm still head over heels in love with my wife!
A great marriage is as close to heaven as you will find here on earth. Chad, your goal is on target and you will not accept any less. The pic certainly portrays a dichotomy of moods.
Very nice picture. And the perspectives you share along with the photos are even more encouraging.
Glad your enjoying my site!
Someone said marriage is a great institution, If you like living in an institution. I am glad I was institutionalized almost 17 years ago. I could not imagine living without my wife. She is the greatest mom of all time to my two children and she is a great wife! I may do a blog someday on what makes a great wife. I had to say goodbye to her last Wed. when she dropped me off at the San Antonio Airport. I will not see her until tomorrow night and I miss her now more than I would have 10 or 15 years ago. That's what is supposed to happen in a marriage you begin to grow dependent on each other. Your love grows deeper by the day. Tonight my oldest daughter and I will tidy up our house in preparation for the return of the Queen of our home!
I really love this picture too! I especially love the Starbucks mug! I like the color treatment too! It's just groovy! I don't know that I'll ever do that hairstyle again though... haha
Chad, I know, WITHOUT a shadow, not even a 1% photoshop shadow of a doubt, that God is preparing your wife for you and He is preparing you for her! When you are both ready, God will set you up! Be encouraged, God is so excited about giving you that person, even more than you are!
Thank you, Michele.
This is an absolutely amazing picture. I love the selective coloring and the general mood portrayed in the photo. The laughing in the bacround and the deep thought that Michele is in, shows a deep contrast between moods and really separates the "married couple" into two individuals. Great picture. May I ask how the coloring was done?
I thought that it was probably photo shope-I havent ever fiddled around with photoshop, so I wasnt sure-you can hand color black and white pictures and it looks AMAZING!
Those 2 folks are pretty "HOT"...that's all I'm going to say. :) Great photo and a very fun day.
I keep coming back to this picture when I check out the new pics. Love what you've done with the color and composition here. It's a great shot! Well done... as are all your shots!
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