You never know what each day holds. I read a quote recently by a famous photographer named Minor White who said “What will I be given today?” I think that’s a pretty universal statement about life. I remember stopping in a store at the Mall during one of my frequent trips to the food court for lunch. Me and my coworkers jokingly refer to it as our company’s cafeteria because it’s only two miles from our business and many of us go there a lot for lunch. Anyway, I had stopped in a store on impulse before we headed back to the office and found a cool clock that I had no idea that I would be buying that day. You can see a photo of this clock on my first post in the archives. Even though it was just a simple purchase of a small clock, I remember thinking how you never know what each day will bring.
The same can be said for photo shoots, you never know what image will come to you. Sometimes I find myself thinking “what can I photograph, I need to get a cool new image for my Blog” or whatever. I then think of how if I want to get some cool new images, I need to go on a shoot somewhere and let the images “come to me”. Another pic on my first post (check it out if you haven’t!), the one of the construction wheel, was another image that “came to me”, I wasn’t expecting to create “that image” that day, I couldn’t have predicted it. The same goes for the little guy on the flower above. I was photographing some flowers in a local public garden when this little bee happened to be on some flowers.
You never know what image your going to capture nor what each day holds for you.
“What will I be given today?”
Wow, I completely agree with you on this and suddenly, there are words to what I was never able to put words to, myself. Taking pictures has always been such a time of worship for me...What a better opportunity to understand the Creator than to view and appreciate the beauty of His creation. I am thankful every day I get to do just that.
I'm glad I could inspire you, thanks for visiting my site!
Hi Chad, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love this shot. It is easy to photograph a flower. It is much harder to capture a (live) bee on it. Well done!
Thanks for the comment and for stopping by as well!
cool photo. Just visted the Tampa Art Museum and your photographs look a lot cooler than some of the stuff there.
Oh, it looks like the bee is wearing Aviator Sunglasses. :)
I wish I could have joined you guys at the Museum:( Maybe we can go to the one here in town sometime?
My cousin Bradley said almost the same thing about the bee looking like he's wearing "sun glasses".
Hello, Chad! Thanks for visiting my abstract site a while back and I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment here sooner. Been pretty busy with things. I was happy to read your About Me section, since I am a Christian as well. Anyway, I have been looking over your archives. Loved reading about the clock, seeing the photos you took of your friend, Ebenezer, the image titled, Sanctuary, the photos you took as a boy, the pool shot you set up(we have a pool table, but I've never taken a shot like that!), the portraits of your friends David & Michele, the post about your cousin Holly(me and my cousin actually reconnected after years of not seeing one another and after seeing her at a family reunion last november, we've emailed every month and i got her to start a blog of her own. it has been so great to keep in touch with her), the wide-eyed girl peeking through the window :), posing like a celebrity, the green vase, pictures of pitchers, your friend Patricia with her son(adorable), the alligator(yikes, be careful!) and this little bee on a flower. So, in summary, I wish I could've found your site a while back because you have the best topics.
Looking forward to future posts!
P.S. You can check out my other blogs/archives, but I am not blogging anymore, except for commenting on other people's blogs, since I now have a new website: http://www.greenteaobsession.com/
I will add your link whenever I update my links again. Nice meeting you, Chad.
Thanks so much for taking the time to go through my archives, I'm glad you've enjoyed everything! Your always welcome at my Blog.
Also, thanks for adding me to your links, that's awesome!
Chad, another WOW pic! On getting "the Pic" I couldn't agree with you more.
Images are just like days, you never know what is in store for us. Sometimes we have to go with the flow and make the best of it.
The unplanned opportunities are the best. Great pic and interesting thoughts
Thank you! I'm glad you visited.
Nice blog! And I love your bio!!
I don't think I've seen a bee like this one. Great, sharp image.
Thanks! I think the bee is pretty unique looking as well. I had never scene a formation quite like that on a bee's back before that day! I wonder if anyone else notices the uniqueness of that?
Excellent capture here Chad! Love the crispness and colour.
Thanks for the input!
Chad, you are becoming famous! Do any of these people live around here?
Nope, just friendly bloggers in the "Bloggosphere"!
Those are some pretty sweet aviator sunglasses. That's probably the most stylin' bee I have ever seen.
He's "Top Gun".
Thanks! I needed that good laugh.
Not to burst your bubble about the Bee but he is not a bee but rather a fly. This vicious little fellow is a flower fly. As an adult he eats nectar but his larva feeds on aphids. Yes this vicious looking guy is harmless unless you are an aphid. It is believed his appearance mimics the honey bee to possibly afford him some protection. Chad, shooting him was much safer that doing the gator shot! Great Stuff
Chad: You really are a greate photografer. Keep up the good work. //d
Thanks for clarifying the species of this bug! I was wondering why he had such a unique color pattern!
Thank you for the compliment, I appreciate it!
Well, you deserve the credit. And thanks for visiting "el ojo" eventhough the other blog is my main blog, the todays picture. Nice to have your qualified eye hanging around in a slightly different spiritual environment ;-). Take care
Hi Chad, I just wanted to say how powerful this thought of What will I be given today?" is! I have heard and adopted a slightly different take on it that i wanted to share.
"Today is a gift; what will you do with it?"
I like to hold this thought at the begining of everyday and try to remember it as I go through the day. Thank you again for a wonderful site to visit for beauty and insight!
Great capture, Chad. It's not so easy !
Thanks for passing by and writting kind comments.
I really needed this post today. I've been in a 'funk' lately with my photographs and I think it's because I've been trying too hard. Thank you for writing this post - I'm going to make sure to read it whenever I need to be reminded to let things just come to me.
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