Mark is one of the friends in my “inner circle”. I have a lot of people that I know and consider friends, but I have a smaller group of friends that really know who I am. These are the people that I can share my heart with. People that encourage me and are concerned about me. People that know were I’ve come from and can see where I’m headed.
This is off on a slight tangent, but still on my inner circle. I’ve been walking through life with most of this group for almost six years, but towards the end of last year, I came to know how good of friends I have. One week I was going through something that really had me distraught. That Wednesday night we had Bible study at David and Michele’s house. They could tell I wasn’t myself as I didn‘t want anything to munch on and more so than that, I‘m sure they could see it on my face. I did have some of the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had that night though! I mentioned that fact and Michele said she made it from scratch. When I was getting ready to leave, Michele asked me if I was ok and if I needed to talk. At first I nonchalantly said, “oh, I don’t even know if I want to talk about it”, trying to hide how I was really feeling and the fact that I really did need to talk about it. She said, “You can, we’re family”. So, I bared my soul with my close family of friends and they gave me Godly counsel that encouraged me and lifted my spirit.
That’s what I mean in my profile when I say “I've especially realized over the last year that they really are there for me when I need it.” And there has been a few more times this year when they have been there for me again and again. God has truly blessed me to have these people to walk through life with. Everything I believe deep down, they share with me. The things I’m hoping for, they hope with me. When I celebrate, they celebrate with me.
The image above is from a photo session I did with Mark and his horse Banner a few years ago. Mark was prepping Banner for some obedience training as I focused on them. I saw Mark give an interesting look over his shades at something and “click”, I had captured one of my favorite images of Mark and Banner together.
Thanks, glad you like it. I was deciding which version I wanted to post, color or grayscale and really liked the grayscale better.
I checked out your photo blogs and enjoyed them.
I love this shot, it's a very very personal moment between man and beast. You know what I love about your blog, is the way you always tie your photos in with a story, your story is charming, and touches the heart today, I can so relate. I wish I had your talents!
I'm glad you enjoy my Blog, your always welcome here.
I do enjoy tieing my images in with stories of what inspires me, effects me and moves me in life. I like having a place someone can come to and learn a lot about who I am. This is so much a creative outlet for me.
sup Chad cool blog i remember that pic/day. you are a great photo-man. see you later
Thats my husband!!!!!!!!!!! I love that pic!
Chad you are a great friend of ours. You know we are always here for you. I'm glad to be able to call you a friend. You are an excellent photo man!!!!!
Its great to have an excellent circle of friends.
Hey guys (you know who you are), we are very glad you all are there for Chad also.
Great pic Chad, Gabby should have that one framed!
Your picture is fantastic. She emits a great sentimentality...
PS:. It is not a photographic camera but a piece of fabric textil with a metal tip...
But the appearance deceives...
Thanks for stopping by.
Also, thanks for the explanation about the photo I commented on at your site. The item on the statue did look like a camera.
We love you man!
Hey, great shot of Mark and Banner. I've always loved it. Mark's a pretty cool guy and I think horses are absolutely beautiful.
Chad you should email me the pic. I really like it..okay..when you get a chance. thanks see you tomorrow
This is a great B&W photo Chad!
A great message to accompany your photo as well. I have an inner circle too...guys that would take a bullet (so to speak) for me and I for them. It is rare to have even 1 friend like that, and I am fortunate to have 4.
As well, thanks for your words about Johnny Cash and the peace he found with Christ. His autobiography is a superb read. I recommend it.
The picture says trust and contentment. The Lord gave you "family" so you could experience Trust and Contentment too.
Nice shot.
Superb! Love the B&W image....
Indeed a great friend to have!
OMG, this is so lovely!
What wonderful sentiments you wrote about today. I'm pleased to have such good friends in my life too.
Is that horse a "best friend" of Mark? I know quite a few people who count their companion animals among their best friends.
You are lucky you got such good friends!
Great portrait of your friend with his horse! Captured at the perfect moment!
One of Mark's biggest passions in life is horses. He has two now, "Banner" and "Texas". Him and his wife Gabby also have two dogs, a golden retriever named "Shanaynay" and a crazy Boston Terrier named "Bubble". Mark is pretty much like the character "Dr. Dolittle", friend of all animals. I remember eating at a Wendy's with them and hearing a bird SMACK into the window. Mark went outside to see if the bird was still alive. He picked up it's body and found it indeed did not survive the collision. That's Mark, "Animal Man".
Hey, Man
Thanks fro stopping by my blog - really cool stuff here!
I look forward to seeing more.
You are definitely lucky to have such nice friends. In my stride to be independent and self-reliant, i lost a lot of nice friends which i regret now. I always hated to be in a group because it made me feel i dont have an identitly of my own and i always end up doing things the group wants, not what i want. Things have changed now, i got out of that shell and i feel i need that group back, but it is too late. You are lucky mate.... I have a lot of people i call "friends" but am missing that "inner circle". Your post made me deeply realize what i am missing. thanks so much for this post and it is such a lovely picture to go along with your thoughts.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Take care
I hope and pray you do find some close friends who appreciate you as an individual. My group is definitely made up of people who are different from one another, but we all share the same trust in Christ and support one another.
VEry good shot!
horses are loyal and graceful .. they will be the first ones (among animals) to enter heaven as they fought in wars.
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