Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mirrors and Jewels

Here’s another image from my shoot with Punam and Dal. I was photographing Punam around this butterfly statue that was decorated with fake jewels and mirrors. As Punam checked her make-up, I captured a few images of her reflection, ending with one that pays a slight tribute to her Indian heritage.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I wouldn't have noticed her reflection if you hadn't pointed it out. This is very creative :)

Tim said...

Great shot! I picked up on her reflection right away!

Corinne said...

Very artistic Chad! And I would call that a portrait :).

Coy Hill said...

Well done! Very cool capture!!

Did the city remove the swans now that the butterflies are the in thing?

Brian Mc said...

Cars and jewelry, I hear you brother! Very nicely done...

micki said...

The colors in these last two images are just outstanding and wonderfully artistic compositions!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Thanks everyone!

The Swans are still on display by the people who baught them. The Butterflies are the latest "artist commissioned" thing though.

Ha ha! Thanks.

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed them.

Wingnut said...

Very cool, I love it! May I be so bold as to suggest another of the same image, maybe cropped in tight to "enhance" the reflection and take out the top left part so the whole frame is butterfly wing? It's a great shot as is though also!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I had actually already thought of that option, but decided to go with what you see. Great minds do think alike;)

Just me said...
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Just me said...

I love the way you captured the girl in the distorded mirror image. Great shot!

Holly said...

You have a great eye for seeing things in a unique way! I really enjoy seeing things through your eyes!