Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Traveler

I wonder how many places she’s seen? How many times she’s been rained on? How many sunsets on the open road she’s taken in?

How many car shows has she been on display at? How long does she now have to sit in the garage each week?

I wonder.


Kate said...

What a cool hood ornament! Reminds me of a ship's prow!

Jose said...

Well I think you'll have to continue wondering, if she discloses her miles and travels, it would be like disclosing her age. Now tell me which female does that.

Andrew said...

Very cool indeed. Fluid

Anna said...

She is so pretty and smooth! Great color here Chad!

Anonymous said...

I do believe she could tell some interesting tales. Its a gorgeous ornament. . Good photography too :)

Coy Hill said...

B&W was a good choice here. Striking image.

Olivier said...

cette statue est une vraie oeuvre d'art.

this statue is a true work of art.

Roland Simmons said...

Very sleek looking. I wonder how much she cost? :)

Daniele Marioli said...

Hi Chad!! How are you?
VEry good composition in this shot!

photowannabe said...

Great black and white shot Chad. I wonder too. They just don't make them like that any more.

Ash said...

A fine shot!

JAM said...

Nifty. At least she's seeing some tender loving care in her old age. Beautiful shot.

lv2scpbk said...

Nice shot. Your shots are always interesting. I took a couple of car photos that I will post in a day or so. They had a car show in our area yesterday and what was funny was all these old cars and there was one modern day car. I don't think I took that one. Not sure why they put it in there.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

beautiful, Chad......

Lindsey said...

Hey Chad,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. It's always interesting to see how people find me. The Soylent Green Article I wrote so long ago yet many people find that one for some reason. I like your photos. Where do you find all those classic cars? By the way, I am a Christian, too, so cool.

Anil P said...

And I wonder what must she think of those on the road now.

Time has left her behind, and in doing so made her timeless in her own way.

And I wonder if she has the wanderlust she once had.

I suspect she does.

Jill said...

Good one! You always have something different. I like that.

TRM said...

You know they just don't make things with this kind of elegance and class anymore.

laurel said...

Smooth, I like this one. It looks like she is about to take off in flight.

Bill said...

Check out November 17, 2006 in Delta :)

Blue Wave 707 said...

Very cool & Very classic!

Came across your site via Kekiinani's page, great photos, Chad!