At times, it feels as if it’s staring me down.
Time used to crawl when I was a child, now it jogs. A year no longer feels like the eternity that it did when I was a boy. 12 months seem to feel more like six now. It’s as if time has doubled it’s pace. I can’t believe July is almost gone! “Attention, this is your captain speaking, we’re about to begin our decent into the Holiday season.”
As I stood listening to some good music on headphones at the “Virgin Records Megastore” in Downtown Disney Saturday night, the numbers above the CD selections represented something to me. Their intended purpose was to indicate where that particular album ranked on a “Top 40” list, but to me, they represented ages. I knew then that I wanted to capture an image with these numbers.
For the most part, I haven’t been effected that much by turning any age. Some of my friends have spoken about how turning 25 or 27 was hard on them, not me though. The only thing that has gotten to me in recent time is how much faster time is going. It was just yesterday that I was 27, now I’m almost half way through 28 and 30 feels very close.
A wise old man named Bob Snyder once told me that “it’s a blessing to grow old”. I took stock in what he said that day, it brought comfort to me. I surely hope and plan to grow old and wise like him.
It’s odd to think that my twenties are waving good bye and that I’m about to begin a new decade of my life. I want that decade to be really good.
Have any birthdays affected you in some way? What advice do you have to offer this 28 year old?
30 is the new 20, Chad!!!:D
u'll sail through the new decade magnificently :)
Thanks, Moi.
I've certainly had the "30 is the new 20" conversation with some of my friends. In some regards, it's true.
I may have already told you, but last year when I turned twenty I had a moderate panic attack. Which is pretty lame because every year, though harder, gets better and better...with every passing year I know God better and am closer to seeing Him, and every year brings great new joys and new friends. And I'm sure it's the same for you. I bet your 30's will be just swell.
At 45, you blink, and a year is gone. Can't wait for 55 :)
The years do rush on. My 60's are like a new season of my life. Things do get better and I find I don't worry and stress about things quite as much as I did in earlier years. So Chad, I say just continue to be yourself and stay grounded in the Word. The best is yet to come.
It wasn't hard turning 25...it was kinda alerting if that makes sense. All of a sudden I thought...wow in 5 years I'll be 30!!! Or I can't believe I'm 25 already!!! Age is but a number...how you live your life physically & mentally is what matters. Live your life the fullest...each day thanking God for granting you another day to live the life He has given you!! Take care of your body...He made it for us...so we've got to do all we can to take care of it and just enjoy life and the fullness of Him!
I've accomplished at least one thing since I've turned 25 that I wanted to do. I wanted to get married by 24. I forgot about that "thought" I made a long time ago until recently I thought...wow I married. Anywhooo....
When I think about my age I get kind of frightened because I think of how many people have done so much more by my age. What do I have to show for all my years? Well, focusing on that doesn't bring anything good so I choose to focus on what I can do NOW with my life, everyday, for and with God. And, I agree with moi, 30 is the new 20! I don't feel like what I think my age should feel like. In fact, I think I have more motivation than a lot of younger people. :)
I'm 23 and sometimes feel like I'm having a quarter life crisis :-)
Have fun. Have faith. Take each day as it comes and enjoy every moment of it.
All the best!
Awe, Chad, you're a young pup! Wait until 40 passes you by, lmao.....
I had a total emotional crisis when I turned 25. I remember it like yesterday. I was freaked because I was "old", I was unmarried, and had no real career yet.
Some of us just bloom later. :)
Happy birthday!
You are just beginning your life, Chad. And the 30's will be a great decade for you. I'm 45 and wouldn't trade my experiences and wisdom for anything. As time goes by, you learn what is truly important in this life and how to appreciate each day as the gift that it is.
The best is yet to be!
Age crisis? Naw, it never happened to me.
On getting older, the best part is becoming wiser. So many young folk think they are “pulling the wool over our eyes” but their not. Sometimes it is nice to let them believe it though
You have had much good advice here and I won’t repeat it. Life is good and although the body slows down knowledge and wisdom more than make up the difference. As the years go by you will become more secure in who you are and will become less concerned with how others perceive you.
I’ll bet your 30’s will be better than your 20’s
Happy 30 Birthday Chad.....you have still the whole world in your hand hehehe...
Time just zoomed past me and I'm in my 40s and really I wish that you would enjoy life to the fullest and don't let your age dictates what you are going to do....it is merely a digit.
Stay positive and always look at things in different perspective...hey just like your photos ~ different angle, different perspective.
Wishing you all the best and enjoy your thirties till it hit the Big 4-0 :D
Actually, I'm still 28 and a half, but 30 feels real close lately.
Thanks for the advice, I like what you said about looking at things at different angles as in photography.
Chad, When I hit 30, that age was hard. The big Three O. Now it doesn't seem to bother me but who knows when it will. That guy who told you it's good to grow old, was right. At least if your still getting old, you're here on earth and that counts for something.
The only advice I was told was from one of my close friends who is alot older than I am. She said, make sure you do what you love in life because when your older if you don't you will regret it. She wanted to become a nurse and never did and she seems sad about that, with alot of regrets and it shows.
Birthdays are great... a reason to celebrate something... YOU!
I have my 40th this year... just another reason to have fun with family and friends!
No advice other than to repeat what photwannabe said... to stay grounded in The Word... and I will add to enjoy more things than what you worry about.
Moi, you have it all wrong....40 is the new 20! I am 29 for the 6th year in a row and it truly only gets better! SAVOR EVERY SECOND! :) It is all in your mind Chad...I will always be 18!
Enjoy every minute is all I can say. I am enjoying aging myself 50 feels pretty damn good. I believe I am learning all the time still and appreciate the wise women in my life as they gently guide me. Just enjoy life ....it is all too brief.
"30, it's all fun and games till it happnes to you."
Seriously, it's not that bad. I actually hated 25 more than 30. I am at such a better place in my 30's, I suppose that's why.
It does go by fast though. It is almost AUGUST for Pete's sake!
Re. that article you sent:
that's pretty disturbing.
Hi Chad, yep I do have some advice for a youngun like you. :)
Today is the most important day of your life. Today God is giving you the wonderful gift of 24 hours. Take it and run with it. Don't wait until you're 60 and then look back and wish you had done this or that. Do it now. 60 comes too soon.
I know exactly what you mean! Where does the time go? I suppose you lose time when you're having fun. In the same token, it can hellishly drag on when in the company of someone you dislike or doing something that doesn't fire up your imagination.
Norwich Daily Photo
I remember when I was young I thought I'd like to croak when I hit 40. Now that's only 4 years away! A lot has happened in the last 20 years that now I'm not worried about my age - as long as I don't look it.
The Goddess In You
Time now that I'm older it does feel like it just swooshes over my head. I am definitely getting older, can't say the same for the wiser part but I thank God that he let's me see another day every morning I wake up.
I can't recall having problems with reaching 30 then 40 and in a couple of years I'll see the big 5-0. But hold the "Over the Hill" gifts I feel young and act young, riding my Harley, tubing down the river, and dancing like a maniac, and the one constant is that age has nothing to do with nothing.
Hi Chad! I love the way that you approach life. Happy 29th birthday and many many more. I'm now 44 1/2, I still feel like I have a lot more learning and life ahead of me. I weak up every morning with a smile and a thankful heart just for being here still and in very good health. Yea life is wonderful at any age...
LOL! I thought I'd had a couple of crises along the way (especially on turning 25). But now at 63 I realize it's all a crisis. :-) Basically I feel no older inside that I ever did. But my body tells me every day I am getting older and older. And I am quite surprised (still!) when another entire month has rolled around and I feel I just started posting my daily dreamku on my blog. I guess what I'm getting at is although something in me feels, and may be, ageless external things tell me time is passing, and at an increasinly rapid rate.
I really like your photos, BTW.
Thanks for the input. Actually I'm still 28, I'm hoping to savor it for a while ;)
Thanks for the comment and visit as well!
I've never had a hard birthday. I'm 44 and still no midlife crisis in sight.
It seems like yesterday I was 28, and now my daughters are 18 and 21. That's kinda hard to swallow, that my little girls aren't little girls any more.
As for myself, though I still have many goals and things I want to accomplish in this life, with Christ, I just know that whenever this ride ends, the REAL journey begins.
Just keep living each day fully. I mean, at 28, you should be looking back on 10 years since high school, if you are please with what you've learned and how far you've come, then just keep on like you're going. The hardest thing is to look back with regret.
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