One More View.
Ok, I had to give you one more view of this frightening ride.
I guess when it comes to “Bikers” having a sometimes scary wrap, this bike is the ultimate ride for that stereotype.
In the words of “Joel Reynolds”, “Ghost Rider called - he wants his bike back.”
the first time i saw it here it looked downright scary...now seeing it as many times, it looks rather friendly and seems to be grinning amiably in fact :)
I just showed my son your photo of the bike photos and he loves it. He was wondering how much it would cost to own something like this.
Seriously...that is scary.
You know, that bike looks pretty awesome in the pictures of just the bike. Like something that would be in a movie with an evil villain.
But when a person is on the bike, it looks like the skeleton is being ridden, like a horse, and I can't help but laugh :P
PS: Its good to see you're back - Salty said it wouldn't be long!
Cool bike indeed. I don't know that I would like to be riding all over town on it though. I'm not supersititious but that's kindda like asking for it, so to speak. lol The set of pictures are great as usual.
That's different and would be featured on th eevening news if the bike ever crashed. I like the photo of it.
My daughter, Melinda, has a picture she took on my blog. It is a stunning macro.
Brookville Daily Photo
Dude that has got to be the coolest bike I have ever seen.
Amazing. Abraham's comment got me thinking. If the bike was in a crash people may be thinking, "Exactly how long ago was the crash?" :)
Great series of this bike and its scary rider. Wouldn't want to see him behind me on a dark road :)
Whoa, that opened my eyes this morning. Not fond of the subject matter but its a great photo.
thanks for visiting my site.
gotta admit this is a unique series of pics of this very unique bike. can't say I would like to see this on the road, ever. :)
catch up with you later couz
You know, one of my other friends brought up the same point earlier. The cops would be wondering who's bones those were scattered all over the road ;)
Wow have I been away for a while. I really like these bike shots and particularly like the one of the girls reflection in the mirror.
I wonder how many wrecks this bike would cause as people turned to get another look?
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I have been missing.
This is so cool I must show this to my kid :D
original model !!!
Really cool and this view is frightful! ^^
OH MY GOSH!!! That is all I said to myself when I opened your blog!! :) :) It made me laugh.. now that is an amazing model..!! Great shot :) :)
That is one sick lookin' bike man.
I wish I could see someone riding it in downtown london.
He's got funny looking antlers.
That is one scary bike Chad!!!
Scary Cool!!
Love the new layout/design of your blog Chad.
Glad to see you posting again, I have missed seeing photos on your page!!!
The bike is very cool. We watch Orange County Choppers alot and love the work that they come up with!!!
Look forward to more posts!!!!
That would definitely catch the local's eyes as someone cruised through town on this.
This could definitely win contests. It would stand apart, no doubt.
I'll have to surf backwards to get the full story of this rider and bike. Seems a little unusual!
LAST RIDE is my design and built by my friend, Dozer, from plans I provided and by a 24 month collaboration between Dozer and myself. More pictures and information about LAST RIDE can be seen at: www.dozercycle.com. My e-address is: jerrydixon@hotmail.com.
July 15, 2007
I would ride this, and ride I would!
The way a bike is MADE to be ridden! lol!
i talked to the designers son in law, who is helping sale and marketing for the bike and merchandise for last ride motorcycles.the retail price for this bike is $ 200,000 us it is a limited production of only fifty bikes. and only top of the line products used on the bike(thats why they got dozer to build).a kendel johnson motor,6 speed trans,all the digital gauges are built into the mirrors.and i was also told they should have a website up in the next cpl of months.
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