Well, I definitely got some interesting feedback on the topic of cell phones! Thanks everyone for contributing to the discussion.
I must say that I was a little surprised at the number of you that do not have one yet. One things for sure though, it sounds like you all would be or are among the “considerate users’’ practicing proper “cell phone etiquette”.
As I shared in my previous post, I’m quite happy with my mobile friend. I love receiving calls from the people close to me. I would say my phone gets moderate use, not nearly as much as some of my friends' cell phones. When I don’t want to be bothered, I just turn the power button off.
My biggest piece of advice for any cell phone user out there, is know when to turn it off. If you’re out on a date with someone special or just spending some quality time with a good friend, do both of you a favor and turn that thing off for a little while. Choose to “be there” with that person.
Above is another one of my favorite images I captured of my cell. There’s something significant to me in this image. Just a subtle tie-in to my life right now. Can anyone guess what it is?
Answer revealed in the comment section!
Is it that you're a night person and the cell phone is displaying a "later" time?
Maybe the time. Not sure but I liked reading the responses you got on the cell phone posts.
Is it the date of your birthday? Oct. 28.
To tell you the truth, I'm holding out until the iPhone is available here in Canada.
Talk to you soon, man.
Uh..... "10:28 pm" stands for the fact that you are 28, you have a habit of staying up late in the pm, and you have 10....uh...days of vacation coming up. ;-)
Perhaps the number 1028 is also your street address?
Don't know but these both have been interesting photographs. I don't think I mentioned that last time.
Nice shot again. I guess that you are a night owl and love shooting images late at nite!!! after all of your work is done and no one can bother you.... You can sneak around the house with your tripod, drag out all your camera stuffs set up your lights and there are no distractions..:) :) Oh what that is me!! :) :) All of my other guesses where taken!!! But then I am not as creative as some of the others... This really is a cool shot... :) :) Nice lighting..:)And a fun post!! :)
no clue at all......enjoyed reading the comments but :)
I would say the time as well...
Do tell...what is the significance? I hope that you are well Chad and that you have a great week!
Your Mother has it all figured out!
10-October, the month of your visit back home, 28-your age, pm-you are a night owl!
Cool image as well!
Great pictures. Good advice on the "being there". I also don't like the phone, but the cell phone can be a lifesaver. To get around the "talking" part of the phone I just TEXT when I can....
I would think it's your birthday. Eveytime my car radio showed 9:18 my daughters would always say "Look daddy,it's your birthday".
Ok, the significant thing in this image for me is that it's showing the number "28", which is how old I am right now.
Some of you came close and some of you thought of other things that are still true about me. Like the fact that I'm a "Night Owl". I never really shared that with you guys, but you seemed to have gathered that. Maybe it's because I post and comment on your Blogs at all hours of the night?
Lucy nailed it on the head that "28" was significant to my age and she came up with two other points that are true about me; being a night person and the fact that I have "10" vacation days coming to me! I know the vacation day thing was a real guess, but she is right.
My parents got it (Salty Dawg) which is no surprise. They also came up with something that's true; the fact that I'll be visiting them in "October", the "10th month"...using some of those "vacation days".
My birthday is actually 2/22/79.
Thanks everyone for playing along.
WOW!! AWESOME PHOTO!! I totally love it. Good composition, everything is perfect (from my pov, which I guess shouldn't day much lol).
Some car pics are up :) I hope you'll like
Btw I also like your new personal photo, it's got a nice artistic touch. Kudos to whomever took it!
What's my prize? ;-)
OK.....I feel old! :)
I am such a night owl....it is 2:03 here in London and I am writing on your blog about being a night owl...
NICE! I loved this post. Thanks Chad!
Ohh I know! You work at McDonalds!
Ok just being silly but that could be the golden arches :)
28 years old. Chad you are still a baby!
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