As I was photographing the light show that “Stitch” was providing for me at Downtown Disney, I looked down on the ground and found this little guy at my feet. It’s a Mickey Mouse that has a spinning light apparatus attached to the top of his head. As the three stranded rubber propeller spun, Mickey would slowly rotate as he wobbled from the movement of the propeller above him.
Mickey Mouse is such a worldwide icon, did you still recognize this “blur” as “Mickey”?
it's only when i read your note did i realize that it has mickey mouse at the base.......as a kid i sued to draw colorful mickies and minnies all over my drawing book ...as we grew up, our animated heroes changed.....now i cant live without my regular dose of calvin and Hobbes and dilbert :)
nice pic, by the way!!!! :)
i wish u'd post more often .....
* i used to ....
This shot just made me laugh when I read that mickey as spinning away under that light!! Nice capture.. :) :) You have a steady hand!! I don't think I could get that without a tripod :) :)
No, I didn't see the Mickey Mouse in the blur and even when you point it out, I can't. But, it's a nice shot anyway. I thought it looked like some type of wheel at first.
Please stop by my site tomorrow, it will be my 100th post.
Very pretty! And I see Mickey
I think I do!
Cool....nice colors!
Awesome shot. You really captured the color wheel on this one.
Now that you told us what we were ooking at I do see Mickey's nose. Fun posting.
Wow this is a great shot! Love it! And also the previous one, are so beautiful! Congratulations! ^^Kisses^^
This image brought a familiar smile to my face...very fun image.
Totally didnt see that until you said it. So sneaky...
Cool shot Chad. :) Have a great weekend!
A spinning Mickey. I'm not sure I would have recognized him had you not said that's who he is. But I did recognize the spinning top for what it is - I've had those, like them, like this photo too.
No, I didn't recognize Mickey either. Anyway, I never seen Mickey so lit :)
Okay... I am going to be picky - but only because I like this thing so much. Please... do surgery on that dark spot in the lower left. It's pulling my eye. I don't wanna have my eye pulled. And i don't want you to crop it away... really like the tension of the pebbled negative space there on the left. Also like the colors. You didn't give in to maxing out the saturation. It has a light subtle touch. Nice image Chad.
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Oooh, this one came out great!
I would have never thought it was Mickey. But since you said it, I can definitely see it.
Yeah, it pulled my eye a little too, but I decided to just leave it at first.
...the pesky black spot is gone now ;)
OK ..these last ones were very technical!! I did not see the Mickey...but I love the shot and love Disney too!!
Hi Chad..thanks for stopping by and for your nice comments...The lab in the profile picture is a 9 month old black lab...weighs about 80 lbs.but I think he is done growing in height--or at least I hope so! I love anything Disney....I used to work there when it first opened....
After you mentioned it yes, I can see him under the light.
Mickey is alive and well :)
I wouldn't have recognized this as Mickey had you not mentioned it.
I love the shot though.
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