As you may recall my earlier posts about “my little friend”, the cell phone, here’s an image from almost a year ago of another one of my little friends. His name is Kaa, and he was my house guest for a little over a year. I “snake sat” him while my friend, Jonathan, was away in Afghanistan. Jonathan’s wife, Patricia, didn’t mind me taking Kaa off her hands for that time period either.
This photo was taken during a shoot a few days before I had given him back to his owners. At one point, I decided to incorporate my cell phone into the scene. It didn’t take much coaching to get Kaa to wrap his body around the object. I think it may had been a comfort to him on that flat surface. Having the phone there also gives a sense of scale, though I think it’s still slightly deceiving, because he was actually about three feet long at that time. He won‘t grow to be many more feet because of the type of breed he is.
I’m surprised at how comfortable I was with him and he with me. I think it’s because of how calm and docile a Ball Python can be most of the time. Now, when it was feeding time, that’s a different story, but I‘ll spare you the details. You can see other images from this shoot and learn more about my experiences with Kaa by clicking here…if you dare?
To me this kind of a strong image, maybe even a little “surreal”. It’s probably even more strange and surreal to some of you. What messages or ideas come to your mind when you look at this?
I'm thinking, I will pass on the cell phone no matter who I need to call. I am not terrified of snakes but would not want them in my home. I would feel like if they got out I'd have to worry.
I just recently became one of the many cell phone users. I broke down and got one because of all the problems with my mom. If I'm in the car though, I pull over because I don't like to drive and use it. I feel it's safer that way.
i just went through your earlier post on Kaa...it did bite you, eh!!!
I am terrified of snakes....I have no reason to but i still am ...
the metallic blue of the phone goes really well with the dark body of the python here!!!
I love this shot. It could be in a phone commercial. The phone and the snake are so... not connected and thats what makes the photo so striking.
Cool shot, but I don't do snakes.
I'm with TRM, cool shot but I don't do snakes either. Makes me crawl...
Wow that's what you call protection for your cell phone ...
interesting ;o]
As Faye remarked, this is a strikingly interesting photo. I really like your creativity here.
Yeah, I will pass too! YUCK. That TOTALLY creeps me out! :)
ew! that's what comes to mind. cool pic but i wouldn't want to be the one to use the phone or have it ring while Kaa was around it.
This is an amazing photo! Very cool... and how neat to "work" with this awesome creature!
I can't believe no one has said it yet:
Snake On A Phone!
There, had to say it.
Seriously, I get the rationale for taking this photo. I understand what it's like to get that glimmer of a thought, the deep-rooted feeling that you're about to embark on an adventure with your lens and a too-coo-to-describe subject.
This is why we shoot. This is why your work is so consistently compelling, Chad.
Well said Carmi! The part about the glimmer and compulsion to make an image, not so much the "snake on a phone" No he didn't!
Chad, when it comes to snakes you can have them.
I kinda like the little snakes we find out in the garden and will pick them up. They are fascinating to watch. BUT...I'm not a fan of the large snakes. Definitely wouldn't want one in the house. I'm not terrified of them, but they aren't my thing. They have nothing on my faithful dog and cuddly cat!
Very nice pet Chad but I'll freak out for sure.
Cool shot I must say and what images? Like a very nice cushion heheh..
Now that is a snake skin cover LOl...fun fun...
Interesting shot! It's a commercial for the new version of Snake (the game)?! ^^ Lol.. It's great! ^^
creepy shot
artistic though
That is definitely an attention grabbing photo. I'm not that afraid of snakes but am wary of them. Growing up in Louisiana, most of the ones I encountered were water moccasins and quite poisonous.
Just the shapes and colors alone here are cool to see.
Now, if that was a big ol' hairy tarantula you had to baby sit, I'd have had to look away. I hate me some spiders.
Loooooooooooove this Chad! Telus, or other carriers might even buy it! great ad!
I don't like snakes but your photo is really good. I like it!
Since my last visit (long time ago) you posted really good pictures here. I like your style. Good job!
creepy snake...neat photo
How to prevent cell phone theft...
Very creative shot Chad.
I agree with Faye - this photo is so fascinating because the two subjects aren't connected. At least, most snakes I know do not have access to cell phones :)
I have been playing with my "Down & Dirty Tricks" Photoshop book. Although I still think you have the most fabulous header out there :)
Cool! A rectangular snake!!!
Creepy creepy creepy...
Eeeeeeek! Actually I am ok with snakes, I don't know if I would ever "snake sit", but I would happily photograph one like this. I don't really mind handling them.
This is pretty cool.
Just finished a 3500 word article on the impact of multi tasking on the cultures of business an individuals in particular. IMing, email, and cell phones are the gear that allow ... or permit... or provoke... the most. Studies show that it takes about two minutes to return to a thought-task from each interruption. If you leave your cell phone on ring, or your email on ding.. you can get around 30 interruptions a day. Meaning a lost hour per worker.... It could be argued that an hour loss worker means the things are death to productivity... Poison... Hmmm... maybe I shoulda illustrated the article with .. with... a snake wrapped around a cell phone... Hmmmmm.....
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