About two years ago I was sitting in the apartment of my friends, Jonathan and Patricia. As I sat there on the floor just chilling, Jonathan brought out one of his pets and placed it on the floor between us. It was his young Ball Python named Kaa. I had never handled a snake before, but that night I would. Jonathan assured me that he was friendly, and Patricia suggested that I put it on my shoulders. So, I said ok. I remember it feeling almost like a massage as the snake moved just behind my neck. For the next hour as we all watched TV, I held Kaa as he moved through my hands. I couldn’t believe I was actually handling a snake and that this one was actually friendly!
A year later as Jonathan was preparing to go to Afghanistan, they wanted to know if I would keep Kaa for the 18 months that Jonathan would be gone. Patricia already had a dog, two cats, a gerbil and fish to take care of. One less animal would be fine with her, plus she’s not wild about having to feed Kaa mice every so often.
So, for over a year, I’ve had a room mate, a three foot long Ball Python. Because snakes metabolisms are very slow, he doesn’t need to eat that often. Two mice every two weeks or more seemed to be just right for him. As you can imagine, the people at the pet store got to know me a little. I always tried not to get attached to the mice when I brought them home. I like all animals, but for Kaa to live, he needed mice.
To quote Answers.com, “Ball Pythons are commonly owned snakes due to their personalities.” Kaa has never bit me, his first reaction is to jerk away from what startles him or coil into a ball, thus the name “Ball” Python.
It’s been fun, but it’s time to give my little friend back to Jonathan this weekend. People have asked me if I would get a snake of my own. I wouldn’t mind having my own Ball Python, but the truth is, girls normally don’t like snakes and if I had to choose between a snake or a girl…sorry Kaa.
P.S. Since posting this, something happened that changed some of the facts stated in my story. Please see my second response comment posted on September 21.
Bye Bye Kaa, I'm sure your Chadster will miss you but at least you gave him a great pic. Love the shadow effect.
I must be a mutant, I LOVE snakes! (and I'm a gurl :) )
Great shots! Bye bye Kaa.....
Maybe now that the snake is gone a Lady will take its place! I am sure you will miss the little guy.
Cool Story! Great photos!
Yikees, a bit too creepy for me. But I have to admit the pics. are cool anyway.
Cool pet! But I certainly wouldn't trust him around Oliver.
Like this post!
Very cool...just don't forget to feed him those mice or YOU might join the menu! :D
Ehh !
kaa is the name of Mowgli's ennemy , (the wolfchild from the jungle of Kipling !!!)
I believe snakes have cold skin.
Have they not ?
In Africa, they eat them sliced and fried. Must be good, (why not, in France we use to eat frog's leggs). However they need bigger ones.
DUDE Love the pics of Kaa. I have to admit it is going to be cool having him back around. But you are more then welcome to come visit him whenever you like. And the whole rumor about girl not liking snakes is only half true. It has been my experience that they are afraid of them but MOST of them are very curious about them also. I have only met a few females that will have absolutly nothing to do with them when I am holding them. And a few work up the nerve to hold them and then they are hook because they figure out that they arenot "slimy"
That top photo is very good to look at, the snake and it's curve is beautifully situated on the white packground.
Hey, man - Great shot of the snake. Looks like a studio shot. Good choice, by the way - girls over snakes.
kaa's skin really isn't that cold, especially once he's been around my neck for a while or in my hands. He's been a nice animal friend to me. He's very misunderstood.
So glad you stopped by and saw my tribute to your pet! I'm very glad that you let me take care of him and you know I'll be by to visit.
Annie and Joel,
Thanks, I was going for the "Studio" look on that shot. He was very hard to get a good shot of though, because he was always moving around wanting to leave my art table. It took patience and A LOT of shots.
Wow, he looks smooth :)
I really like the first shot with just the snake.
Nice necklace, Chad! When we lived in Berkeley we visited the Vivarium quite often to see all the snakes and such. More and more people are taking amphibians and reptiles for pets, especially women, so don't think your choice has to be an either/or.
PS-hey, when are you going to go daily and join all us City Daily Photo bloggers, huh? ;^) -K
The colors of the snake are beautiful!
A beautiful animal...
This is quite an amazing story.
Quite a love story!
I wouldn't be able to live together with a snake!
Classic top shot there Chad, absolutely stunning!
Don't rule it out, Chad...A family friend who I've known forever has a buttload of snakes, lizards and other critters and married a great lady who didn't mind and has reffered to his snakes as "cute." She is the exception, though, I'll give you that.
It looks like you and Kaa bonded. He's a darn pretty snake.
Thanks everyone for your comments!
Looks like I spoke too soon about never being bitten by Kaa! Tonight as I went to take him out of his terrarium, he moved quite swiftly out of his hide away, like he does when he senses a rodent. I began to lift his hide so I could get access to the rest of his body, as I did that, he struck me before I knew what hit me. I remember feeling the needle like pricks near the webbing between my thumb and finger. As my mind registered what just happened, I said "Whoa" and yanked away. I was shocked a little, I've had him for over a year and he's never done that. Thankfully, a bite from a Ball Python is typically not a big deal, especially since they have no venom. He did draw a little bit of blood though. I put peroxide on the small wound.
Kaa's still a good animal, he was only acting on instinct. When I saw him moving like that I should have took my hand back out of there fast. I can't believe that the week I'm getting ready to give him back to his owner, he bites me! At least I can now say that I've been bitten by a snake!
He doesn't want to go home. Get the message?
Salty and Eden are right. Sounds like Kaa has gotten whiff of the move and is experiencing great parting anxiety. I guess the only way he could tell you he wanted to stay was to hack at you.
Poor Kaa...
I'm sorry you got bit though. :-( It is a very crazy story anyway! When needed, you can dig it up for sympathy-getting purposes: "This is where the snake bit me..." etc.,etc.
Your right.
Oh My God!!
A snakes Araund the head!
Good Shot!!
See you!!
Personally, I can do without snakes, but I guess they are worthwhile creatures -- at a distance... Great photos on the rest of your blog, however...
J'aimerais le toucher ;)
Hi Chad, the original story and pictures were powerful enough but the additional story of you being bitten definitely bites the bullet (pun indented !!! ;-)
oooh... nice pic of the snake. Do you have a white studio desk?
Too bad kaa bit you, hope you and kaa are feeling better now.
Actually, I used some white poster boards to cover my black art table.
Yeah, Kaa is now back with his owners. My wound has healed pretty quickly, it wasn't that bad to begin with. He just left me with a good bye present.
I'll be handling him in the future when I visit my friends. He's only a few miles away from me now.
Man I want one now. :)
I cannot express in words how much I hate snakes... Every time I run into one I jump 10 feet... Oh, I know they are part of God's world -- but don't forget what happened to Adam and Eve... Terrible, just terrible... Can't even stand to look at the picture for more than a few seconds... When the come on TV, I change the channel... Hate em, hate em, hate em... Ugh!
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