During the last weekend of November, I went to the store "Old Navy" with one of my friends. While there, I spotted this great, three roll set of Christmas gift wrap. Each roll featured a different pattern of robots, I immediately thought of my younger cousins when I saw it. So, I bought the set. While wrapping a few presents on Thursday night, I decided to use the robots for some other people as well. I call this pattern “Attack of the Clones”. I like how the grouping of the robots make up the shape of a snow flake.
I may not be able to post anything in the next couple of days, so, I just want to wish everyone who visits my Blog a Very Merry Christmas! I appreciate your visits, comments and input, thank you so much! Your always welcome here.
I hope everyone has a great time with family and friends and remembers the reason for this season, Jesus Christ coming into our world.
I also hope you all find that special something under the tree on Christmas morning.
Merry Christmas!
Ciao Chad!!
Good this shot!!
Marry christmas!!
Thank you Chad. Have a wonderful time with friends and family and I will remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.
The WINTER SOLSTICE is much older than Christianity, and it is the REAL Reason for the Season.
Winter Solstice Greetings from San Francisco!
I love the shot and I hope your Christmas is especially wonderful.
Superbe cette photo, tres amusante.
Superb this photograph, very amusing.
Cute shot, this is so weird, but I just finished looking at another blog and the title was... Attack of the clones!" no kidding, it's a cool site too, check it out here: http://www.earthshots.org/
Merry Christmas Chad. Hope yours is wonderful.
There are few gifts one can give that last a lifetime, the inspiration you’ve so willingly and unselfishly shared with the world through your art and talent is one. I’ve been a fortunate benefactor, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and the very best of the new year to you and yours.
Christ is what "Christmas" is named after. He's the reason for my season.
Merry Christmas Chad, I'll be thinking of you, waiting for your return. Annie
I'll be back a lot sooner than I thought actually. I wasn't sure if I was going to have access to a "working" computer over this break, but I do! I'll probably post something tomorrow night.
Cool shot man!
Merry Christmas - hope you have a great 2007. I love your photography and can't wait to see more.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Talk to ya later on Christ mas day.
Merry Christmas to you Chad!
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