As I’m writing this, it is past midnight on Christmas Eve. It is actually Christmas morning, but “Christmas morning” doesn’t really begin until you wake up, I haven’t even went to bed yet!
I can remember the anticipation I had as a child leading up to Christmas morning. My family’s tradition growing up, was to open one small present on Christmas Eve, an “appetizer” if you will, to hold everyone over until the main course in the morning. Once morning came, my eyes would “Pop” open. I would see dim light coming in from the windows, making me to know that “Christmas Morning” could now begin! I remember one year, just sitting out in the quiet of the living room, waiting for everyone else to wake up and join me. I gazed at all the presents, not believing that the moment had finally come!
I think one of the things that made receiving presents at Christmas time so magical as a child, was the fact that you were receiving something you could not obtain yourself. As we become adults and get jobs, most of what we would like to have, we eventually buy ourselves. Once in a while though, we still receive something that maybe we couldn’t have gotten too easily on our own.
Receiving presents of any kind is still fun though. I think as adults, It’s more about the meaning behind presents. The fact that you have people who care about you and they took the time and money to buy you something, means a lot. That’s where some of the magic lies for us adults at Christmas time.
It seems 2007 has snuck up on me before I was even ready, well, actually I think I am ready for a new year. Each year I try to think of something to help encourage me about that year. I’m liking 2007, because “7 is God’s perfect number”.
One of my favorite rolls of wrapping paper that I bought this year has the words “Believe” and “Wish Big” printed on it. These messages encourage me to keep after my dreams.
So, I encourage you as I encourage myself for this coming year of 2007, “Believe” and “Wish Big”! Don’t give up on your dreams in life.
Merry Christmas Chad! Belive! Wish big indeed.
"Noël est là,
Ce joyeux Noël, des cadeaux plein les bras,
Qui réchauffe nos coeurs et apporte la joie,
Jour des plus beaux souvenirs,
Plus beau jour de l'année."
Washington Irving
“Christmas is there,
This Merry Christmas, gifts full arms,
Who heats our hearts and brings the joy,
Day of the most beautiful memories,
More beautiful day of the year."
Washington Irving
2006 was a challenge, but I look forward to what God has planned in 2007! Merry Christmas!
I'm with ya, Bro!
Merry Christmas Chad. I'm still wishing for stuff I can't obtain by myself. As you get bigger, so does the price tag of the stuff you want to get. :-) Seriously though, the only thing I wish for is that I get everyone a gift they like (and that my business has a prosperous 2007 with many new clients) ;-)
Hope everyone is safe and happy and take it easy on that "special brew" egg nog.
Very true, the price tags do get bigger. I agree about wishing to get everyone what they like. I think I'm able to accomplish that most of the time.
Merry Christmas again Chad.
I hope it's been great.
Guess what! I am now the proud owner of the 2007 Office calendar.
Aloha and Merry Christmas Chad. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your wrapping paper was an excellent choice.
Aloha Renee :)
Great shot and that's a great philosophy wish and believe.
I agree that 2007 will have special meaning because of 7 being the perfect number.
Thanks for the encouragement Chad. I needed those words today.
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