After Brian Littrell’s concert was over at 11:15pm in Tomorrowland, I took the five minute walk over to Fantasyland where a very pregnant Jaci Velasquez would be performing her second set of the night at 11:35pm. When I arrived at the stage I was greeted by a very pleasant surprise, there wasn’t that many people there yet! I quickly placed myself right up front and anticipated the great images that I would be able to capture. I think the fact that this was Jaci’s “second set” allowed me such a great spot. Most of the die hard fans had already seen her within the hour before. The crowd would soon build for this set though.
Jaci’s band that night was “Salvador”, the band that her husband, Nic Gonzales, is lead singer of. Of course, Nic was on hand to play guitar and later sing a duet with his beautiful, pregnant wife (she’s almost 8 months!). That’s him jamming out with Jaci in the image above.
Jaci did a few songs from her latest album as well as a few “Jaci Standards” including her hit “On My Knees”, which she recorded 13 years ago when she was only 15. The song talks about getting on your knees before God in prayer and the freedom that God has given us to do that. In good times and in bad. She shared that when she first recorded that at 15, it was just a good song, but over the years, she has really lived the lyrics to that song and has experienced God’s power through it.
This was my fourth time seeing Jaci play live. In past times, I’ve heard her share different things about what God has brought her through in her life and the seasons that she was experiencing. To me, she really seemed to be the most happy in this season of her life.
You can read a little bit more that I’ve written about my celebrity crush, Jaci V, in my archives, by clicking here.
What fabulous pictures of a wonderful singer. They could be on her album cover i think.
I'm glad you were able to see her in concert again, Chad! Sounds like a great time overall. That's exciting that she's expecting a little one.
Great pix Chad!
Interesting images!
Great job on the Celeb' shots!
All three pictures are great; you captured Jaci at her best!
I especially like the top photo. Her job shines through on that one.
Oh yeah, Jaci is a trully talented singer, her inspirational songs are beautiful but I really loved her when she crossed over to Spanish and gaves some beautiful songs too. I would love to see her perform live.
fantastic night shots
Great shots, Chad. I love concert photos.
I saw her in concert with 4Him when she first started out. It was in Louisiana during my second round of college to get my engineering degree.
She (and 4Him) were wonderful.
great shots from the concert, Chad!!!
Beautiful pictures of a woman who truly wears the joy on her face. It must have been one glorious night!
I like the one wit the pink rim lighting from the stage lights.
Aww, your crush! She is so cute! I hope I can look that beautiful when I am pregnant one day :)
You did a great job capturing the energy of the shows. Great job Chad.
Great shots.I like the compositions and the lights.Good job!
Another great series of concert photos.
Great shots Chad. You were able to get some terrific shots!
She looks GREAT
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