Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Watchers of the Lake

Readers of my Dad’s photo blog will know that him and my Mom were down to Florida recently to visit me. I had taken three days off work to spend with them and we all had a wonderful time.

Dad ventured to Lake Parker a couple of times to photograph birds and I accompanied him on two of those outings. It was on our last visit to the lake that I captured my personal favorite images from those adventures. Above is one of them.

It wasn’t long after Dad and I left the parking lot and started over a foot bridge that we came upon this scene. We quickly and quietly set up our positions and began to fire away at these three friends.

They are wood storks, and to me, they look like something out of pre-history. What drew me to this shot was the formation that they were standing in and the reflections that they were casting on the water beneath.

I loved what I was seeing…I hope you enjoy it now too.


Willard said...

Hi Chad,
That is a super wildlife shot for sure! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and keep up the good work!

Anna said...

Great reflections Chad! They are so crisp.

I am so glad that you are back with another post!

Joel Reynolds said...

Very nice, Chad. Nice that you got 3 of them in the picture - 3 always seems to be more interesting than 2 or 4.


Jose said...

I like the symetry in the picture. The way the birds are possitioned and then the reflection on the water, it all looks fantastic. Great shot.

~Brenda said...

I love this shot; I can see it framed and hanging on a wall.

imac said...

Captured beautiful Chad.

Coy Hill said...

Chad, once again you suprise me, I expected you to post this in B&W.

Cool shot, works both in color & b&w.

photowannabe said...

Love the black and white and the entire composition. The way they have their backs to each other is so interesting.

Laurie said...

Excellent capture. I love the composition and the reflections are perfect.

Stacey Olson said...

Great reflextion photos. Thanks for sharing.

Tom said...

A fantastic capture Chad,
I have seen these once or twice on the T.V. and not noticed the curve of their beaks before.
The pose and reflections are stunning.

Blue Wave 707 said...

Way cool reflection shot!