The image above evokes a lot of feelings within me. I can just see a dunk being threw down, a bank shot made or a rebound grabbed with authority. Basketball came into my life when I was about 12. My Uncle Rodney showed me some of the fundamentals and I took off. I watched it, played it, and talked it for the rest of my teens.
Because of life and having other passions and interest now, I hardly play basketball anymore, but I still have a love for the game. The images of the game still play through my mind almost everyday. If something is going well for me, maybe that translates into a “highlight” in my mind. It’s kind of hard to explain, but basketball is so ingrained in me, I think it will always be apart of me.
The drama that unfolds on the court is really in it’s own realm. One of the things I enjoy about watching NBA basketball is that anything can happen. When a game is close nearing the end of the fourth quarter anything is possible. I think it is a parallel to life, especially life with God, anything can happen! There’s definitely things i'm looking forward to in life that will be like winning an NBA championship for me when they happen! I’ll be as happy as Michael Jordan kissing that trophy back in 1991 when he won his first title.
I think I can understand why NBA players are so elated when they win a Championship or so devastated when they loose. When you pour your time, effort, energies, and dreams into something, your going to be moved with everything inside of you one way or the other depending on the outcome of that endeavor. I’ve seen in small ways in my own life when I’ve poured my time, energies and dreams into something how it effected me both positively and negatively. But, that’s when you know your living, when you pour everything you have into something.
This photo was taken when I was about 13 or 14 years old. I was laying on the basin of my “Insti-Hoop” and took the shot with a point and shoot 35mm. I think I was already inspired by that view while laying there to rest on previous occasions and decided to “capture” it one day.
That's a great angle. And only a teen! That's great. It's not often we get to hear from a photographer about what he sees in a frame or what inspires him.
That's a pretty incredible picture...the first glance at it makes your heart stop for just a second.
I can't play worth a plug nickel but the photo makes me wish I could.
I can always root for the Sacramento Kings though...
I did root for Sac a few years ago during the playoffs when they were playing LA.
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