Above is another image I captured at my parents house during one of my visits in 2005. It’s the handle on their kitchen sink. I like how the round chrome ball reflects almost a 360 degree reflection of all that’s around it. If you look closely you can see the window, the ceiling, the fridge, the sink and then it all repeats again. You can also see my arms resting on the sink to get the shot.
I can remember one Sunday afternoon when I was about 18 years old. I was doing Sunday lunch dishes at that very sink as my parents laid down for a nap. While I was alone in the quiet looking out through the window at the beautiful country, I began to sing softly the chorus “I Love You Lord”. If you don’t know the lyrics, they go: “I love you Lord and I lift my voice, to worship you, oh my soul, rejoice, take joy my King, in what you hear, let it be a sweet, sweet sound, in your ear.” It’s was just kind of a unique moment I had with God.
In recent times when I’ve sung that song in church, I think about how almost 10 years have passed since that day at the sink and here I am still singing that song to God. A lot of life has passed since my teens, but Jesus is still my Christ, my Lord, my God, my Savior, my Father. I have not always been faithful to Him or have pursued Him like I should, BUT, He has always been faithful to me and has always pursued me and His Grace has always been enough to cover me. That’s what I’ve learned over the course of my life thus far.
I remember singing that song when I was a teenager too. It's an "oldie" but a "goodie." I see my questionnaire got you thinking.... haha
Chad, A great blog! I think all of us could say we haven't always done what we were suppose to do.
Thank God for mercy!
I also remember singing that song as a teenager. Love the song. I was singing it the other day while I was jogging. Jesus is so Sweet!
I know the song quite well...and there's nothing better to be able to say you've learned over the course of your life. I'm glad to say the same.
Great shot
Very interesting shot. I love how you see opprotunities in the things that most people don't even take a second look at!
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