Anyway, Willard has a herd of wild deer that he feeds every evening. He’s befriended many herds over the last 10 years or more. One evening he took me to see his latest herd, mainly made up of does (female deer). He picked me up at my parents house and we drove over a ridge and down past the farm that he and my step Dad grew up on. We then had to cross a creek that was barely crossable with his sport utility vehicle. There’s a more dry entrance to the destination, but this was a short cut. It wasn’t long until we were entering the sacred place in which Willard communes with the creatures of the wild.
I could tell these deer knew him because of how calmly they remained as we drove into the field, normally they would have been running for their lives. As Willard got out of the vehicle and prepared the buckets of feed, I gingerly got out knowing that the deer were not going to be sure of me. They kept their distance from me as I watched one trot right up to Willard and his bucket of feed. He was also throwing feed into the field and the deer dined on their friend’s hand outs of kindness.
Willard then set up his “rig”, a Canon Professional Digital SLR with a Gigantic lens. There was a shutter release cable attached that was taped to the handle of the tripod. You could keep your hand on the tripod handle and shoot with with the same hand. As me and Willard talked about photography and what inspired each of us to pursue it, I was taking a few shots with his Canon. The above image is one of my favorites that I captured that evening. One of Willard’s woodland friends wondering who in the world I am.
I remember living in Ft. Knox KY as a child...we used to see deer walking in the back of our house. We would look out the window and see the deer and her babies walking around. I wish I had a camera back them. Actually I think we did take some pics, but I couldn't tell ya where they were now.
2 cloves garlic
2 tablespoons Crisco
¼ cup finely minced jalapeƱo peppers
2 lbs of hand fed venison
Rub steak on both sides with garlic, fat, salt, pepper and jalapenos. Place on greased broiler pan and broil for 5 minutes, turn and broil on the other side.
Interesting story.
Has your uncle taught you some of your cool photography?
"Hand fed venison", Funny recipe, Salty. I used to eat Deer steak with jalapenos when I was a teenager, quite tasty! But, the deer wasn't one of Willard's friends, that would be sad.
I've learned most of my technical knowlege of photography since I've moved to Florida.
You haven't had good deer then.
I'm quite the meat eater.
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