Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Man of Mystery

From age 15 to 19, my best friend was Todd. We shared a lot of the growing pains of becoming men. We mainly shared laughter, which I often thought of as the foundation of our friendship, that and God. Me and Todd were always laughing at inside jokes or creating new ones.

I’m glad I had a friend like that to help get me through those, sometimes tough and awkward, teen years. Since then, life has taken us in different directions. I was blessed though to be the Best Man in his wedding in November of 2004. I got the call and flew up to Pennsylvania to be a part of his historical day. He now has two children, a boy and a girl.

One thing about it, Since our teens, Todd has become difficult to get in touch with. That’s why the title of this post is not only appropriate for the image, but also for him.

I captured this image in the middle of 1998. We were at my parents house. Back then, they had not built a deck yet, it was just one big drop off the back of their house. I seen Todd sitting down there with that hat on and saw “an image”. This is one of the early glimpses of my “eye” for photography.

A photo that I took a few years later reminds me of this image. It’s one of my friend Patricia that I took during a game of chess. Because of the positioning of her head, you can not see her face. I link the two images because they are both of people who have been good friends to me in my life. The image does not completely reveal their identity, but I know who they are.

I could tell you so many stories involving Todd. I’m glad he’s been a part of my history.


Anonymous said...

Great image! Looks like he is about to bust a dance move!

Unknown said...

That's a great shot!

Anonymous said...

Superbe photo noir et blanc. Bingo

Coy Hill said...

Ahh………the stories you could tell, but then some should be kept only as memories :-)
Great image! Illustrates your story perfectly

Patty said...

my first thought was that he was standing. very interesting angle. you certainly have a photographic eye! well-chosen title and i enjoyed reading this post.

also really enjoyed reading the Yacht-Master post and seeing the up-close images. i do wear the occasional jewelry, but the one item i've always worn everywhere has been my sporty stainless steel(i think) waterproof Guess watch(i believe it cost $80). i've had it for about 8 years!

The, Three Nails, post was interesting. The cross really stands out against the bright red shirt in the photo.

The Deer Hunter photo was-Wow! My uncle and cousin have hunted for most of their lives. I've never been with them hunting, only camping, so I enjoyed seeing and reading this post. And I did check out your dad's(salty dawg's) blog! Some awesome photos there!!! I'll check it out further sometime when i have less schoolwork. i had no idea he was your dad until reading that. i think it's pretty cool that you have family members and friends who also do the blog thing!

Loved the reflection in the face of the hood ornament on the Ms. Nash post. nice framing too!

And, thanks so much for the comments you left on my website! sorry, i haven't been able to thank you properly 'til now. school is keeping me fairly busy.

have a lovely upcoming weekend, Chad!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

I always appreciate how you check out all my posts! Thank you.

My "Relic" watch (which is made by Fossil) that I featured in "Remember the Time", is about a $80.00 watch like your "guess" watch.

You have a good weekend as well.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Absolutely! Thanks for linking up!

Your always welcome here.

Lucy said...

He sounds like a great friend, and I'm sure everyone would be interested to hear your stories, should you care to share them. :-)
This is a really fun picture--I really like how you captured his relaxed, almost model-esque position w/ his cool hat hiding his face.

Roland Simmons said...

Cool image. Maybe your buddy has a blog and will come across this post.

Gabriella said...

Chad I can see this on the front cover of a CD!!!

Kimberley said...

Such an awesome shot! Love it...his style is great too.

Lucy said...

I'm catching up with you in profile views, Chad.

Chad Oneil Myers said...

You certainly are!

Annie said...

Hi Chad, I really like that photo - and the tribute you wrote to friendship. I enjoyed seeing the photo of the chess player as well. But the one of Todd really does look, as Gabriella said, like it could be a CD cover photo.

Tim Rice said...

Hi, Chad. That's an amazing picture and I can resonate with your title for it. Great tribute!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. I definitely like shooting album style images.

Corinne said...

Now that's a dynamic perspective!

Carissa Duhamel said...

This picture is fantastic, the hat adds a nice detail.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

the pose and the monochrome shot makes it really a great image!!!

Anonymous said...

wonderful shot!
..and love the story behind it!

many thanks for passing by my blog. :)

Michelle B said...

This image is amazing, amazing!!!!!

Jackie said...

my favorite of the bw images

Anonymous said...

Oh yes the Yeti Can Dance, Trust me!