I took this photo almost exactly a year ago. “Pop Gallery” is a store in Downtown Disney that features unique paintings, sculptures and the like as well as some artsy trinkets. The store is jammed packed with color and peculiar things to grab your attention as you navigate your way through the narrow isles as to not break anything. Most items inside feature a hefty price tag.
As you can probably tell, I did a little selective color here to add some intrigue to an image that didn‘t really have much to it. The two bulbs illuminated were the only ones on at the time I captured this image.
I was out with some really cool people on Saturday night and we spent a good amount of time in this store. As we all took our time exploring the establishment, I was surprised at the things I never even noticed before. There really is a lot to take in.
OK, what exactly IS Downtown Disney? I'm assuming just what it sounds like, but never having been to FL, I'm not for sure!
I do know one thing: it's an awesome place for picture taking! I'll bookmark it for a 'must see' if I ever get down that way.
i like your selective color work, Chad...i will love to do it for some of my pics too...but I dont have access to PS yet.....are you aware of any other tool through which I can achieve it ???
Great selective color. The Gallery sounds like a cool place.
moi - are you aware of any other tool through which I can achieve it ???
i use paint shop pro 9 for any editing i do. it's far less complicated than photoshop (i used it years ago and found it very over complicated) and it's a heck of a lot cheaper! there's probably some freebie software ont he interweb if you have the inclination to scour for it.
Cool shot Chad! I like the color selection!
I never heard of downtown Disney either.
It's a really cool looking sign.
Cool shot.
Glad to hear you had a good time Sat. night
I like the angle of this photo.
At first I only noticed the letter “P” but upon taking a closer look I saw the word POP.
Very Good!
Hey gaz..thank you for the pointers...i will look for pro 9 :)
hey Chad, i just finished reading your comment...thanx for the pointers too :)
neat shot of the sign. you should do a series of "Central Florida Signs" and capture unique signage at intersting angles.
I like how the angle of the shot accents the checkerboard pattern in the building.
wow I love you choice of color here TALENT as always is amoung YOU
Love the color and black and white play. This is great, looks abstract.
It has been so long since I've been there that there are lots of new stores I've never been in. This one for instance.
I was sad to hear that the Guitar Gallery closed and something else is in it's spot. That was my favorite place there and I always saved it for last. I always bought something, even if it was just guitar picks.
I really like this shot. I love the selective color/B&W shots.
Hi Chad....come check us out!
Looks like a neat store. As usual, great image.
You were right to explain the orange bubbles. Those balls really capture my eye. They seem magical. The technology of signage is so astonishing now and the abstract you've created of that abstract creates an unexpectedly cool jumble. If the shop's a tad as intriguing as this composit... well, I'm jealous it's so far away.
I didn't even realize it was selective at first, which makes it even cooler. Love it, and I think I need to shop at that store sometime! Back in the day, before color photos, my mom worked at a photo studio doing selective color and creating color with her paints. Now I love to play with Photoshop. Gotta love technology, but it still takes talent to pull it off and do it right.
Moi, for a little bit of fun without buying the CS3 package you might want to hop on over to http://www.picnik.com
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