By that Thursday, I had decided that I wanted to propose on Friday morning (July 4th) and get the weekend started with a real Bang! So, on Thursday afternoon, I emailed Sandy and suggested that we have breakfast out on the boat dock behind her Aunt and Uncle’s house who live across the street from her. She replied and said that she thought it was a good idea.
Later Thursday night, while on the phone with Sandy, I suggested that we bring her iPod player with us to the dock on Friday morning. My secret idea was that I would play a set list of “our songs” and for the last one, I would have her stand up with me and once the song was over, I’d go down on one knee! The tune I picked for that is a song by Mark Schultz that talks about going the distance for her. (Click here to hear it.)
When I arrived at Sandy’s on Friday morning, I could feel myself shaking a little. This was the day that I was going to ask my future wife to marry me. It was a huge deal what I was about to do, but it felt right and I was ready.
When I arrived at Sandy’s on Friday morning, I could feel myself shaking a little. This was the day that I was going to ask my future wife to marry me. It was a huge deal what I was about to do, but it felt right and I was ready.
As Sandy and I headed across the street and down to her Aunt and Uncle’s boat dock, she asked, “So, what about breakfast?” Since neither of us had mentioned anything about “what” we were going to eat for breakfast while at the dock, both of us had assumed that the other was taking care of it. I replied, “Well, I guess we’re not having breakfast, but can we still go down there and just sit and listen to some music for a little bit?” Sandy, being very gracious, agreed to my request.
Once we got down there, I said, “I’m going to take you through a musical journey of ‘Chad & Sandy’.” I then sat beside her on a bench swing while the tunes began to play. About half way through the set, I heard someone whistle behind us. I looked up to the house and saw a man who appeared to be Sandy’s Dad waving his arms at me. After I acknowledged him and waved back, he turned around and disappeared. Sandy, not having looked back to see who it was, asked me if I knew. I said, “I think it was your Dad?”
A few songs later, I looked back to see Sandy’s Dad and step Mom walking towards the dock. Her Dad, who has a passion for photography as well, had his camera around his neck. To keep things from being blown, I told Sandy that I was going to go talk to her Dad real quick and would be right back.
As I approached them out of hearing range from Sandy, Mr. Vasquez asked me, “Chad, how are you doing?” and proceeded to greet me with a hug. I said, “I’m doing wonderful, but I haven’t ‘done it’ yet.” I then explained my plan about standing up for the last song and then proposing at the end of it. He said that he was going to pretend to be photographing nature and would capture “the moment” when it happened. They then headed back up to the house as I returned to Sandy. “What did my Dad want?” she asked. “Oh, he’s just going to be photographing nature.” I cleverly replied.
When the last song was getting ready to begin, I stood up and asked Sandy to stand with me for this one. I held her close as we took in the lyrics together. When the last set of verses came, her head was resting against my chest and I could tell that she was crying. At this point, I was crying too.
Once the song ended and all was silent, I pulled back and proceeded to go down on one knee. As I knelt before her, Sandy’s crying turned to sobbing as she covered her mouth with her hand. I then dug in my right pocket for the ring box and pulled it out. I looked up at the woman I love and with tear filled eyes, said, “Will you marry me Sandy?” She said, “Yes”.
I got back up and embraced her. We then heard a collective cheer and clapping in the background. It was her Dad, step Mom, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and both her sisters all coming down the dock to congratulate us. Turns out that word had spread quickly through the house while we were out there and a lot of people just happened to be in the right place at the right time. They all had watched from a distance and got to share in our very special moment.
Sandy and I have been flying ever since.
it made me cry! such a sweet story, and i really am genuinely so happy for you both. :)
It made me cry too, In fact my eyes are still blurry so its hard to type.
Chad this is so wonderful. I'm thrilled for you and Sandy. may God bless your life together.
What a beautiful proposal Chad :) Well done and way to go for sure. Glad to know that so many people are around to witness this joyous moment and I am so glad to be going through this wonderful process too.
best of luck always :D
Sandy has a contented look on her face and I love the collage of your proposal, and I too had tears in my eyes reading your commentary. You tell your story so elegantly!
Beautiful story and it brought tears to my eyes. I'm always a sucker for a good love story. Congrats to you and Sandy.
Very, very cool. Very, Very happy for you!
Oh! That just made me cry! What a wonderful engagement story!
Congrats to you both!
Chad, I'll tell you without recervations that I too shed some "happy tears" as I read your story. Please allow me to congratulate you on such a big milestone in your life. Sandy is indeed a beautiful girl and you have all the right to be walking on the clouds right now. I too am fortunate to have found the girl of my dreams and let me tell you after 27 years of marriage we still love eachother very much. I hope the same and better for you and Sandy. Thanks for your friendship even if it is through a computer.
Woo hoo! That's really romantic! The Lord has definitely blessed you both! Congratulations again! Great shots too!
Oh my.
This gave me chills...
This is so wonderful... I have no other words to say.
Congratulations to both of you! I wish God's blessings to you always!
Awesome, Chad!
I wish you guys every happiness. I look forward to reading more about your journey, too
Congratulations to you and Sandy! I'm so very happy for both of you! What a beautiful story!
Thanks for making me cry....I don't know you, but have kept up with your blog for about a year. I just wanted to let you know how happy I am for you and Sandy. You both will be very happy together!!! Enjoy.....
very nice. Just how I would have done it!
Hi Chad...
I am sorry to be here late.. I got your message but was not up to commenting or visiting then.. but I am now... it really is a great post.. youknow that I've followed this from the first posting you did about Sandy.. this really is the icing on the cake ... I wish you both well nd many many many happy years together...
Oh my! What a wonderful memory to treasure! Tears here too!
A wonderful story, Chad. Thanks for sharing it.
I wish you and Sandy the best!
I still remember proposing to my wife some 26 years ago, and it was the 2nd biggest decision I made in my life. The 1st happened a few years later as a result of much praying by my then wife, but that is another story :)
Great story!
dude congratulations to you both. that's wonderful. god's blessings be on you both as you begin the rest of your life together.
now excuse me while i go dry my eyes...
Congratulations.. WOW what a story. I have no clue how I can see the screen thru the tears to write.. :) :) How wonderful that everyone was there to congratulate you folks and to have photos of that special moment.. WOW... how awesome is that!!! :) :)
Congratulations, Chad! You too look so happy!
Chad! I have been gone for awhile, but I just checked into your blog and read this. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am crying over here!!! That was so beautiful :)
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