My favorite cologne to wear, is “happy” by Clinique. It’s a mix of citrus notes that have always made me feel…well, happy, ever since I first smelled it eight years ago. It’s difficult to figure out exactly what all the scents are that make this fragrance up, but sometimes I can smell a hint of grapefruit in there, if that gives you an idea?
I usually only wear this when I know I’m going to be around Sandy. Her and I are both fans of good fragrances and have spent a few outings testing colognes and perfumes at various department stores for fun.
Another thing that makes me happy, is how all of you who comment on this photo blog have really shared in my joy recently. Everything you have said has touched my heart and I do not take it lightly.
The photo blogging community that we’re all a part of on here is a rare one. Not all message boards on the internet are filled with mature, decent people like you all are. Have you ever taken a look at the comments on “youtube” videos? You’ll quickly see what I’m talking about. In some areas on the web, people are quick to judge, hate and just be jerks.
Thankfully, around here, we support each other and just enjoy one another’s work. If there is critique to be given, it’s given in a mature way to help the other and not to tear someone down.
I appreciate all of you who take the time to enjoy my photography and read my stories. Know that you’re always welcome here.
Thanks again for all your well-wishes to Sandy and I, we both enjoy it.
Hmmmm maybe I will have to give this a sniff. Sounds like it smells very lovely?? not sure that works for a men's cologne.. :) :) I am sooo happy for both of you.. Sounds like fun going out smell hunting.. :) :) Aloha, Renee :)
I agree so much with you about this blogging lark... I was a member on a forum or two.. even had my own for a while... but nothing can touch what I've found bloggers to be about.
congrats on your engagement...i am just catching up on reading my blogs as i've been away in northern ireland!
I agree, it seems that people feel the have license to be rude and hurtful on the web, maybe it's being hidden behind avatars and fake names, I don't know. It's nice to know that there are places to visit online where a person can see pix from different places and hear peoples stories and know that you can post and comment without getting flamed. Nice pic too, the chocolate idea was great.
When I post pictures or write comments, I feel like I am talking with friends. its been a wonderful experience for me and I have found special people like you and your Dad to visit, and now I'm getting to know the love of your life. Can it get any better?
I like how you connected Clinique Happy Cologne with being happy!
I am in agreement with you on this blogging community; we have found it to be very friendly and supportive of each other with their individual endeavors.
Nice to hear such good things! I'm not sure I qualify as part of the community yet -- I just recently stumbled on to several blogs which are, though. Very happy for you!
Nice macro shot & color contrast!
Besides ... the name relflects your mood with all that going between you and Sandy. :-)
The bottle should read "for Chad" since he's so happy lately!!! Hee hee! I'm a dork... I know! :-)
It has been a pleasure getting to know you through your blog. I, too, have found people to be so kind and wonderful at my site. It's a whole different dimension to the internet that is positive and uplifting.
It's always such a joy to visit here because you share the good part of the world, and to read of your engagement makes it just that much better. Thank you for sharing with us!
I like the scent of citrus. Nicely done product photography.
I know what you mean about on-line communities. I used to belong to a couple of parenting message boards, yes parenting, and they would get so nasty it was sad to think that some of these people actually considered themselves parents. It was unbelievable how nasty it got. I left because I was so disgusted by it.
The photoblog community is so very different. I've only had one person inject venom on my blog(s) and it was about my oldest son being a soldier. And as it turns out this particular person was a very negative and arrogant sort to begin with. He did not single me out as he had a propensity to be negative in general to many people. Needless to say in the 3 years I've had my blogs, to only come across one person like that it's not too bad.
Hi Chad :)
I'm making the rounds to say hi and tell my blogger friends I'm back and alive and well and so very appreciative of all your kind words, well wishes and prayers while I was gone.
I'll be back later to check out your blog and see what you've been up to while I was gone.
Congratulations Chad and Sandy!!! Chad I'm so happy for you :)) I wish you both joy and happiness forever.
You are so sweet Chad and I must add that through blogging, we embraced friendship too and I love to 'walk' through your journey with Sandy ;)
Something about Asian men, they are conservative & even if they are happy they would not show it or talk about it. So you see, you rock because you shared your joy with us and I must say guys here in Singapore should just come by and read about your feelings & thoughts PLUS your love for Sandy heheheh....
Hugs to Sandy for me ya, if you are planning on your honeymoon next time, consider Singapore I would love to be both your host :D
Next time I'm at the Clinique counter I'll have to give this a "smell".
We are all very happy for you Chad!!
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