Wednesday, July 16, 2008


She's my "Bliss".
I got the idea for this image while sitting at my desk today, eating some chocolate. After work, I went to the grocery store, picked up some HERSHEY'S Bliss Dark Chocolates and brought my idea to life.


Lori said...

This is so neat!

I pulled up your blog to show my daughter....because even though she's only 18, I want her to see your example, and know that this is the kind of love she should wait for.

Jessica said...

I haven't been around reading blogs much lately, but I'm so glad I stopped at yours! What a wonderful story. I can tell you're flying high with happiness right now. Congratulations to you both!!

You're not going to be your own wedding photographer are you? :)

V. happy for you and Sandy!

bryan said...

Good idea and nice shot!

photowannabe said...

Chocolate and got it!
Sandy and You....Double Bliss!

Kerri Farley said...

A very creative way to express how you are feeling!

Jose said...

How cool is that?

~Brenda said...

I love the picture; you did a great job with Sandy's name on that piece of candy!

Shionge said...

Aiyooooo Chad, you are so creative and every moment having Sandy in your thoughts that's so so so so sweet...keep the romance alive always!!!!

Now I too think of Sandy and you :D

Blue Wave 707 said...

What a cool idea! Great shot & photoshop work!

Lori said...

Footnote: The other day I saw an ad for "Bliss" chocolate in a magazine. I turned to my daughter and said, "Now what does this remind you of?" We both thought of Sandy and you.

Webster may need a new definition for 'bliss'. I think you have it right on.

Kekiinani said...

What a great idea. :) :)

Laurie said...

Very clever and very sweet (on more than one level!)

Nestor Family said...

You are so romantic and cool!!!

Michele @ crazyfordesign said...

So, was the chocolate as good as the commercials say. ;)

Anna said...

Chad. I have so enjoyed these photos and stores of your love with Sandy! Thanks for letting me get a glimpse!

Joy and blessings to you brother!!!!

Anonymous said...

That makes me hungry;-)

Anonymous said...

Lol, how cute!